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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Oh, that would be the problem then, almost no cruise ships drafting less than 20-23 feet. Cobh is maintained at about 37 feet at the dockside by dredging but deeper at the mouth of the harbour.
  2. I noticed the similarity and wondered. Sorry to hear about the lack of vision. A similar story to Aer Lingus in the early years wanting to expand trans-Atlantic services to the USA only to be shut down by the then Taoiseach/minister ("another ambitious scheme, we prefer mediocrity!"). Boats are not my thing but having come in contact with a number of cruise vessels in the Caribbean recently I thought they only drafted about 40 ft? Had a quick look online to confirm this and Royal Caribbean's, Oasis of the Seas and Allure of the Seas draft 30 ft each. Only one I found more than that was RMS QM2 at 33ft. How deep is DL harbor?
  3. The TO run for Mriya is just under 10,000ft at Max TOW, 9,800, I think. Rwy 24 at SNN is only 9110ft (as I landed there several times in another life), so she could not go FULLY laden. No more than Ruslan due to increased wing area and 6 engines. The landing roll is even longer than the TO requirement if laden
  4. Well this is very successful Space Needle, Seattle WA
  5. Shame to see the catamarans go when the price of fuel is dropping. Does Irish Ferries still operate a high speed service?
  6. Put me down for three.... The kit looks great but too complex for me having never done brass. The cost of someone doing it for me was multiples of the cost of the item, again since there's probably a fair amount of work involved. Beautiful when she's done though
  7. Yes, these would all sell in large numbers if they were produced rtr at any reasonable cost
  8. Understood. Thanks very much:tumbsup: Actually I have a number of the grey Dapol wagons with snails and some of the old Lima and Hornby CIE broken wheel wagons. Not sure how prototypical they are of anything. Trip to the resource section needed I think:)
  9. And this is in your living room, did you say?....... Very impressive indeed:-bd
  10. Is that basically more than a new similar sized wagon if there was one? Big chunk of change
  11. JHB, what's a H van? Heard it used many times on here but not sure exactly what distinguishes it..........
  12. That looks great:tumbsup: One of the lads did a photo album of one of a signal box before for me…. may have to give these serious thought when I need to fill in 'green belts' on the layout
  13. Looks like the same accommodations being made then, like for the A380 now due to the height
  14. Fran, we were not having a political discussion. My post clearly relates to the Tu-95 in the link which is what we were discussing on this thread.
  15. MOD: I just realized that I duplicated this with a second request two weeks ago. Please feel free to lock the other thread if required. Sorry. K
  16. Products acquired. Thanks to all who PM'd.
  17. Don't envy you this one, Tom but suspect I will when it's done:D
  18. Correct, the -100 and -200 series did not, including those noisy -200 that Ryanair had. Some of the later models like the -300,-400, -500 didn't have them either but they are available now as a retrofit for most models still flying
  19. It's true, Noel, Ardnacrusha is a good example of achievement although at that time the electric footprint for a predominantly non-industrialized small nation with disseminated rural dwellings would have been comparatively small. It would have been a great foundation for energy independence had similar projects continued but we seem to have slipped a little on the way with partisan leadership or lack thereof. Can you imagine diverting that much of GDP to a national rail project about 15 years ago for proper passenger and freight transportation? Opportunities missed:(
  20. So why did it flop? Know anything about the Air Suspension system mentioned?
  21. Indeed, Stephen…… they'll beat my 141s in a sprint any day
  22. The Ryanair model is nice but unfortunately the wrong scale for me. It is a -200 series with a conventional wing and the prototype could be retrofitted with a mini-winglet for improved aerodynamics/lift http://www.b737.org.uk/images/737-200winglets.jpg Your shot is the current blended winglet common on most Boeings and some Airbuses like the A330/A340 The scimitar split winglet is about to become commonplace on all new orders http://www.b737.org.uk/images/winglet-splitscimitar.jpg
  23. If the STs don't sell, there will be no A class and I reckon you're in! Like the video, smiling away here:tumbsup:
  24. There are two EGVs with different numbers?
  25. Not to belabor the point but yes…. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/11763930.Russian_bomber_intercepted_by_fighter_jets_off_Southampton_was_carrying_nuclear_weapons/?ref=rss
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