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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Yep, already experienced this when a site member would recommend a TV program only to find it restricted by IP address:mad:
  2. Good evening jhb. Hope you're doing ok. Just stoking the coals! Been looking forward to the ST MM coaches and been desperately trying to stay off the other thread. Not easy to get anything resprayed this side of the Atlantic not to mention the additional expense! Maybe sit this one out for now. Kevin
  3. Do you happen to know if this is a region free DVD (i.e. will play in devices in N America)? And likely to be PAL rather than NTSC…..
  4. Just add it to the list of unrealized projects then and a century after independence
  5. 186 is now finally retired to display?
  6. I'm sure these could be sold if you don't want to hang onto them yourself. I love the religious themed punching though
  7. Perspective on Toy 'trainer' (for what?) versus resilient military asset Pilatus 320 knots with an operational ceiling of 25,000 ft=)) Tu-95 NATO 'Bear' Cruise about Mach 0.73 but capable of at least 0.82-0.86 or more. Most modern JET airliners cruise in the 0.80-0.84 range. To my knowledge the Bear is the strongest turboprop in the world and the civilian equivalent holds the speed record for prop driven flight! The contra-rotating props will outperform modern airliners with better acceleration due to the time taken to spin up the turbofan after a call for power (kinda like steam engine versus diesels without an electric traction motor) The PC-9M was really packing a punch from that rocket pod in the video so it might just have the edge on the Bear there....
  8. Not reassured. Big expense to order these, ship them to US and return them if they're not right:(
  9. You're not suggesting that MM got the colors wrong again, are you?……….
  10. Kieran, I hear a consist coming along Kirley Junction:)
  11. Sincere condolences to you and your family. Kevin
  12. Yup, some of the vendors are sticklers about that. Of course you could have an address at the Parcel Motel in Antrim if you're interested in the item;)
  13. That'll definitely sort out the collectors from the boys:D
  14. Thanks Paudie, and Stephen for the link. Will look into that:tumbsup:
  15. Oh, Thank God! I wasn't sure if Specsavers was closed while proofing the coaches or sending the list!
  16. So the number on the composite coach is wrong?
  17. If anyone has one of these locks which is unneeded would you please PM me. Thank you Kevin
  18. David, put up some pictures when you're done please Would be great to see them.
  19. Try this thread http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/3470-Modellers-Bible
  20. Are the Irish ones from NI only or Republic also? Where are these photos that you posted?
  21. Fran, is that on DCC and how many amps is that loco drawing to pull that train?
  22. Yet it seems there's no suitably qualified Irish CEO to head up Iarnrod Eireann?
  23. Agreed, some limitation based on the technology of the time but some great older shots in there, CBSCR steam too
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