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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bachmann-EZ-Command-DCC-Control-System-/271730633403?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item3f44686abb http://www.amazon.co.uk/RAILWAY-BACHMANN-EZ-COMMAND-CONTROL/dp/B002ODY61A/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1420698486&sr=8-2-fkmr0&keywords=Bachmann+Trains+E-Z+Command+Digital+Command+Controller Not sure what they're worth or what you want to pay…..
  2. And now I need a Black 141 MM0141 original configuration with tablet catcher and marker lights (not preserved, MM0141A) also
  3. If you have any you wish to part with, please PM me. Thank you
  4. You should read the crown-funding thread long and interesting as it is.......
  5. Respect!………..(and a little envy)
  6. Some lovely closeups there. Keep 'em rolling:trains: Is that a 4F in the background? what's the black CIE Guiness bus?
  7. Very nice. Like these and want a bunch of these eventually. Can these be automated with a point motor from under the baseboard? Any experience anyone?
  8. Hi Roxyguy, Are you happy with the roundie-roundie design and just want to finish to off, or ideally you'd like something different in time even if confined by the spare bedroom or wherever the layout is now. if you can't go out, you could go up. What you have looks good and most of the pieces could be reused in modified layout. A multilevel layout might be possible for you, even in this space and would add some additional room, variety and more fun. Set some longer term goals maybe? Are you on DCC?
  9. Think you meant donedeal.ie & adverts.ie
  10. Unfortunately they postponed opening stores in the US from 2015 back to 2018
  11. What's also interesting are the tankers in the background. Although mainly hidden they are not the same as the other you posted just above in #52, they are cradled differently and not just one but both that you can see on the rake. Tankers are being discussed on another contemporaneous thread for anyone who's interested
  12. Good thread, did I miss it or did the missing Waterford down train reappear on the thread?
  13. It's not as extreme as it sounds with a very fine paper, but if there are printed portions on the window that definitely will not work. I did not look at my cravens, I assumed the glass was flat. Like your idea better.
  14. If I had a dollar for every time I heard a wish for a good quality A class, we could have skipped out the whole crown-funding discussion:ROFL: Give it about 5 minutes before Mod locks the thread to avoid further rioting….
  15. =))Time cures all things …. keep looking at the blue seats, Noel! I'm sorry I brought it up!
  16. This is just a wild suggestion and I'd take a coach you dislike from your collection to experiment on first…but, if you've ever had to refurbish old discolored car headlights, you can sand them down with progressively finer sandpaper during which they transition from "OMG, I've completely ruined the flippin' thing!" on the first pass with rough paper, to becoming completely translucent and shining new when the finest paper is used. If you were to be one paper rougher than 'finished', that it might solve your glare while leaving the windows sufficiently transparent to observe the interiors. I may be trial and error to find the correct finishing grit (if that's the correct term), and you'd have to remove the plastic from the coaches to do it of course. Lot of work but if they're bugging you and you're going to repaint the interiors anyway…..
  17. True. 007 mentioned that above.
  18. Now for those with the skills that would be worth building! Haven't seen one on here but I'll bet someone will throw up a photo of a scratch built to prove me wrong…...
  19. THanks to you both. Both good options. Like that Wills …… hmmm
  20. Thanks, Alan. eHattons is a great site for reference. I use it like a little encyclopedia as it almost always has a little image of the product. Unfortunately, this one is out of stock, they always list whether it's actually in stock on the right-hand side. The good thing is the photos are still on there if you need to look at an image of something after it has sold out with them.
  21. I need several more of these, which sadly are no longer available, as a stopgap until I acquire the skills necessary to scratch build the Chetwynd viaduct, which will hopefully eventually replace it. But for now, if you have any surplus to requirements please PM me. I tried to search the RMweb site as a potential source but find it cumbersome. Any suggestions welcome. Thanks, Kevin
  22. Not really my modeling period but wanted to complete my collection of 141/181s…… If you have one surplus o requirements please PM me. Thanks, Kevin
  23. Nope, it didn't sell, he didn't dismantle it and it's still on there
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