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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Nice job, any photos of that N class? I have four that I will want to add at least a chip or sound and some lighting to eventually Anyone managed a firebox in an N?
  2. Congratulations to Marks Models. Well done to all! Is there any chance you might be able to request Bachmann to re-run the Scenecraft Irish Structures that were so popular while you are in such great standing?
  3. Very good point but given that it might take years for the next MM there's a fluid timeline there too
  4. I think people on the thread are mixing sentiment with the need for a continuing supply of good quality RTR models. It goes without saying that he has really brought Irish outline some degree of prominence. However, if the models are not available for purchase people's interest will turn somewhere there is an outlet…. Look here at the APT-E thread from principally Irish outline modelers, some already signed up and I'm likely to too if there's no joy on here….. It's new, great quality, sentimental, reasonably priced for a 4 car unit, some potential to lengthen the rake….. an Irish model outline could be too http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/3314-Rapido-Trains-announce-APT-E
  5. I have heard something similar from another source….
  6. Imagine trying to 'beat the red' when they're rising out of the ground under the rear axle!
  7. This is a very unfortunate incident as the driver appears to approach the crossing at relatively low speed and keeps going very slowly onto the crossing before being clipped by the first train. Whenever I see this and I do, it is usually some idiot in a pimped out coupe or a light truck maneuvering between the barriers. Unless the clip has been slowed down I suspect ice was a factor contributing to the judgement error. The first train turns the tractor unit to the left directly into the path of the second train. Unfortunately only seven seconds or less elapse before the impact with the HST which demolishes the truck derailing the first train. There is substantial risk for the driver of the second train which does slow hopefully due to preemptive braking. I am sorry for everyone involved here but if is any good comes out if this, it would be that some other drivers would see this and make more conservative driving decisions. If I had my way this I'd a similar video would be part of drivers education!
  8. Well, if they didn't like driving the 121s engine first they'd really not have liked that GM version with the cab centrally!
  9. Nice job, my man! Jeez you're building the kit and I'd be looking for the RTR
  10. Don't forget to have a Guiness to hand. It's an essential lubricant to help you ease everything apart;)
  11. As long as they stump up the cash!!
  12. Interesting article, not sure why he did not gain prominence in Ireland. This was an amazing feat just several years after the Great Famine when that work was probably very welcome.
  13. I'm not doing this at all but I think there should be a sticky for how to do that! Great explanation for those who have never done it!
  14. I'm absolutely with you on that one. I just wish we would get semi-reliable data on the demand. If the model was good the collectors usually take a rake of them (I have some tendencies in that direction too). How would we advertise such an offering to the IT-reluctant punters/get the prepay?
  15. If you know how to get this started, you'd have my backing for a independent or MM-associated 121 depending on how advanced the prep for that is, or an A or C (multiple).
  16. I know it seems irksome that people have different desires but this was initiated to see if there any potential for any model. Granted I think it has to boil down to what people want most of or it would not be economically viable
  17. I had posted a request for a flat "No" if people didn't want to, in order to give a better feel for the mood of the populace. Kinda like a general election in Ireland, 25% voter turnout! It looks like we pretty stuck with about 80 interested modelers albeit some did want to potentially buy more the one model
  18. Are the really only 108 modelers who frequent the site during the period of one week or so?
  19. D I know that some others like the more modern livery where the white lining shows off the black and orange to effect but I really like the Supertrain livery. There's something plain but strong about it at the same time
  20. Not sure about that one, Seamus. We didn't see that on the recent stats. BosKonay should know?
  21. Agree with you both. He has a proven track record. It natural for people to be hesitant with change, but once beneficial engenders a lot of new trust. If there's anyone or a limited group on the site capable of taking this forward, I'm prepared to back at least one or more models and several have expressed that. The problem is see with MM is not the quality of the product but the timeline for delivery which is generally sequential clearing out one model before being out the next. I understand why this us but it means that produced desirable past items are not readily available to purchase nor the awaited models like the presently awaited 121.
  22. So you're saying that the smallest amount that could be invested for a manufacturer to start something is STG150,000, correct? and all the number are based off of that?
  23. Beautiful seeing the series form the chassis, to body shell, painted and on the track. Very nice
  24. Let it pan out, GD. This poll is open for another 5 days. Some of the modelers do not frequent this site on a daily basis like you and I. That being said, if they don't visit before then end of the poll, they're unlikely to support this project either. Either way, this has been set in motion and will provide some data on what has been discussed on several threads before. Even if not another modeler voted yes to this, it means that there is a group who would likely also put money up for a rake of 6-7 of a desirable smaller model such as a bubble or beet or Tara at 30-35eu per wagon=210eu per punter with a production run of 300-350 wagons……
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