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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Cosmetic defect will not affect the chassis you need on this one http://www.ebay.ie/itm/Bachmann-32-525A-Class-55-Deltic-The-Kings-Own-Yorkshire-Light-Infantry-/390965704761?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item5b075f3839
  2. I doubt they'd maintain the line for just one train…… there reason it's shut is they don't want to run anything else on it, if you se my point. :SORRY:Shattered dream, I know
  3. That's a shame. The 'French method' seems better
  4. Too small scale, methinks. If you wanted to do that on a railway, the tonnage/speed of the train would be weaponized in a critical area to create more havoc and loss of adjacent trains, buildings, infrastructure. We've already seen attacks of the Spanish and Japanese rail networks. Individuals have routinely thrown bricks and other objects at trains from elevated positions such as the Glanmire tunnel approaching Kent station and even tied a poor donkey to the rails at one point. Incapacitating the driver of a train approaching a station could have profound consequences although I presume the locomotive still has some form of 'dead man's handle' (pardon the expression)
  5. If you do a conversion on the chassis could you post some pics of the steps, please?
  6. Great series of photos, John. Lovely station building. Great to see these for modeling and even to select preassembled 'look-alikes' for the rest of us!
  7. Think Noel is not into 201s but that's good to know as I also have a rake of 141/181s that will need to be done and I intend to do some consists:)
  8. Probably why it failed, John. Difficult to be competitive without the infrastructure. Wonder how much it would cost now, 23m punts then, billions now. It would be interesting to see if that had been implemented how the network would look now and whether the railways would be in greater usage for both passenger and freight, like European counterparts, not to mention the huge socioeconomic benefits.
  9. Neanderthals!……….. pity they weren't still driving it on there, a swift buffer up the a*** is what is required there!
  10. Errr,….. just for those who didn't actually read the thread, that toxic metal dust is not advised:puke:
  11. Great clip Dave!
  12. Really? Can you explain why this item is so valuable or it's just a nice little nostalgic piece?
  13. You will have to pick it up in person, because apparently it doesn't post!
  14. Like the spoils, Kirley. Very authentic to the photos. Nice job!
  15. Any luck with the next episodes?
  16. If anyone finds it on youtube, please post a link, thanks to snapper for the last one
  17. Surprising they have managed to maintain those relationships:cheers: Maybe Blaine could be their new public relations officer to foster those:-bd. To be fair, I think that Ed's curtness on a thread about Gatwick gennys just spilled over onto Noel. How do I sign up to join MRSNOD4?
  18. Anyone familiar with the Kemilway brass kit of a footbridge? Know how much they're worth?
  19. Sounds good to my uneducated ear. Nice to hear it. Made me smile! Filed a mental note, I'll be sticking with the Loksound when I get to sound unless we have something newer by then.
  20. States that the video is private…. you didn't post the one of you and the missus , I hope:rolleyes:
  21. Noel, You're becoming a bit of a regular in Port Laoise. What DCC conversions?
  22. Now, it's a unique Limited edition:tumbsup:
  23. Don't worry, George, they can charge you double!
  24. I may order a rake of the new coaches from Mr TrainMan when they come in Supertrain and throw this in;)
  25. On a cheerier note, you HAVE one and I don't yet……..hang on, now I'm depressed:(
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