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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. I was looking for someone to build a Southern 800 kit for me and it's not cheap and he's booked out. I'll do one eventually a long time from now (time is really my biggest issue). BK, what did one of these cost all in....ballpark, if that's not too impertinent (don't kill me if it's classified, you could PM if desired)?
  2. Agreed. Heirflick's photos are far better than on the website and that is what I based my order on. He should really get an advertising fee from Mark's!
  3. Beautiful Boss, do you know how much money you're about to cost everyone with that beauty? Poetry
  4. Yes, I think we have suckin diesel here.... http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0285wj5
  5. Here's one more:cheers:
  6. My brand-new 142 arrived today seemingly in its original packing but when I removed the plastic cover as I unboxed it, I noticed light engine oil on the plastic wrapping and on the plastic beneath one of the bogies. I'm presuming somebody got a little too enthusiastic with the oil in China rather than someone refurbished the loco and selling it on as new. Can somebody advise me on whether I can just wipe away the oil on the exterior plastic or whether there is too much oil in the motor? Can I run it in or will this shower oil all over the motor inside if there is an excess of it? Eventually I'm going to DCC chip all of these locos but I hadn't planned on dismantling my new pride and joy so soon....
  7. I don't supposeyou know whether it will be broadcast on the Internet?
  8. If you cannot resist the urge then go ahead. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do but eventually prices are going to come down as you already said. It is just a matter of time. The problem is how much the wait is worth to you in terms of your hard-earned cash. It takes just one thing to trigger a revolution and sounds like Hornby's product may be just the catalyst we're waiting for...
  9. I'm completely with Noel on all of the points he raises in his post personally I would also jump at 121's earlier locomotives like a class laminates, Bredins etc. but also except his point that other modelers wish for more modern stock which goes back to my original post i.e. I think there is an increasing market for both newer and older models and we haven't even mentioned steam!
  10. Yup, all very hard to find.... looking forward to MM supertrain coaches
  11. That's what I was alluding to, all the tooling etc. should be there for a re-run. Who commissioned extra models? Were they disatributed under the individual shops logo, Bachmann, not MM I'm sure?
  12. So in support of your answer on this, posts on this site speak for themselves. When you look back over old threads you can clearly see that this is the case with some individuals gathering more than for individual layout or collectors use. Yes, we are all grateful to Paddy Murphy but I'm still collecting some of the old stuff for my own use and it can be hard to source at times
  13. I'm not sure you're correct with regard to availability. When you say available, you mean in the used marketplace not new, where price would be determined by availability in the new and used markets
  14. It's going to be a difficult figure to estimate but that may have been the correct number several years ago and that number may have expanded spurred by the increased availability of Irish outline. Exposure is the key, I think:trains: Which brings up the point of limited runs. I understand that it would not be wise to produce far more product than could be expected to sell in any given market but there are clearly items that are sold out and obviously in demand that have not had a second run for newer modelers. This happened with the original 201s. Should new runs be larger if the modeling market has expanded and wouldn't it be good business sense to do some re-runs when design and tooling has already been made??
  15. It's certainly comprehensive, everything in here from EROS to T'n'A:D
  16. ok, Boss, I though it was already there just the 'link' was broken
  17. I got several ot them today.... but could someone look at the resources link or whatever if possible.....
  18. OK, understand your comments now..... maybe I'll start with a dozen... (not)
  19. Wonder if it covers the various Mark2s which are still an enigma for me.........?
  20. They're poor kits, difficult to assemble or just that it's part made?
  21. PMs are not working still? That would certainly explain some (non)events. Could someone look at the resources section please while we 're at it. I can only see the first page then programming code on the subsequent pages Thank you
  22. Of course technically you would need to call this in MPD1 as Nelson is using MPD2 below for multipurpose diesel:D
  23. Just found an old thread on the lifting if the CBSCR. Very interesting details. Anyone know how I can find a search term in a thread that is nearly 100 pages long? I can only click on the thread not on the page(s) of the thread in which the searched term appears:dig:
  24. Interesting. I, having had no particular idea in mind previously, have recently decided to try to do a layout based (loosely) on parts of the CB&SCR. I love some of the bridges on it crossing the River Bandon and the Chetwynd viaduct which I'll try to model at some point having no experience at scratch building. I'll look back through your lengthy thread but throw up a few pictures between builds if they're not on here. http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/3591-Old-photos-Chetwynd-Viaduct-Cork-Bandon-amp-South-Coast-Railway?highlight=Chetwynd
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