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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. You have mostly BnT livery but I know you have some in orange. You got me thinking because I purchased some of these used so I thought the horns might have been embellished by the original owner. So I looked at some of the IR & IE 141s that I bought 'new' and 146 IE has a sealed detailing pack with orange horns!
  2. Correct, marks models should have the detailing packs, however, I do not know if they're in stock. I'm not sure of the contents of the packs but there are probably different ones as some of the 141s obviously have black horns and some orange depending on the livery
  3. How did you get on with this for signaling the layout?
  4. You mean the toll plaza that was supposed to be removed when the M50 had been paid for? The toll plaza is still there, right?
  5. BosKonay, PM sent
  6. My Black Friday order going in shortly!
  7. I'm probably going to us the Carlow station as both a station and a free standing house/country house with a little change in colour to disguise that its the same model. Similarly with the pub when I individualize it a little… but will only be used as a pub as three would scarcely be enough for one small Irish outline layout! Signal cabins, always needed I like the stone building as I always liked stone/limestone architecture. Thanks, BK! PS, while the rest of you are rummaging in the attic to see where your Christmas gifts have been hidden (I mean, looking to get the tree down, ahem), if you come across any more 44-251 and 44-252, I'm in the market for morePIMP
  8. Great to have them, and to know that something changes in Ireland every 30-40 years:rolleyes: Noel I know you like a little Tipp-ex in your livery but I have a few little beauties waiting on these:D
  9. Thanks, josefstadt! So the Marks Models green CIE Dapol coaches would go well with I presume N class woollies and black and tans with the early diesels like A class?
  10. Nice shots David, Downloading these:cheers:
  11. Thanks, John:tumbsup:
  12. RTR, pre-weathered?
  13. Yup, hence a very timely thread and the question above. Incidentally, the Marks Models green CIE would then obviously be the previous livery of the same coaches. So these are laminate stock in the photo?
  14. What are these, Seamus? Suburban non-gangway laminates?
  15. I do not want to get too off thread here but since it was brought up above, can someone tell me what is the difference between a standard and a super standard? Does this refer to the physical make up of a coach or livery as I thought was maybe suggested earlier in the thread? Some nice shots of Kent station there, Glenderg!
  16. I don't think that bus is an acronym or abbreviation but basically it refers to the main length of wire running beneath the baseboard that supplies current to the track. There will be two buses usually one red, the live, or right hand rail, and a black or neutral, attached to the left hand rail. Never the twain shall meet except by placing a locomotive or something else that you want to power across the tracks, or wired from them such as turnout motors, etc! The droppers refer to the smaller wires that attach from the main bus wires to each individual piece of rail. You would want to attach a dropper from each rail to the main bus because the rails do not conduct electricity all that well nor do the joiners between the rails leading to substantial drops in voltage and current over longer lengths, unless each rail is individually fed from the bus so that all the individual rails are effectively at the correct track voltage that is required for DCC running. Each of the buses will be a larger diameter wire on the droppers because even the buses them selves can have a voltage or current drop along their length if they are long particularly in large layouts.
  17. How fortuitous! It is Black Friday here in the US. Funny you should contact me on this day. P.m. sent. Mark, sorry to hear these were not successful. It is hard to believe. I have three each of the three other models including the two current ones. I understood the original Bachmann station and running shed were extremely popular, hence, I was curious whether a rerun would occur. Like I said I have been looking for these older models on the site Google eBay and just about everywhere else for the last six months until BK found these in his attic Hi Seamus. I already purchased some of the above from you. It was the older stuff I was looking for but thanks for posting! Kevin
  18. Great job, Popeye! and thanks for even including the donors! What period are these modeled from? The Irish Shells earlier in the thread looked black (in a B&W photo, granted) like your Esso. Is your black Esso from that steam period and the silvers are a later livery albeit the same earlier period tanker with the steel tie-down cables over the top? Are they transfers your own creation or available to purchase? Thanks for posting. Kevin
  19. I've had no luck picking up the engine shed or stone station in six months but don't want to bring up re-runs here again. Tried to drop a hint on the Marks Models thread since they're in such good standing with Bachmann right now. Carlow station still available through several vendors, have several of those for the layout, good for stations and house alike in my mind at least
  20. Noel, for the ignorant among us what do the numbers mean? Gauge, resistance, maximum current? Yours is a large layout, your main bus should be larger. The larger the drops the less current drop you'll have but probably a size down from the main bus so they're more flexible to work with, easier to solder, and less conspicuous.
  21. Would also be interested in an RTR as might many others considering the recent crowd funding poll, David. Leaning towards Noels requirement for DCC slow running. Watching this space!
  22. Would anybody have any photos of these 70's Burmah wagons? Or photos of models that were repainted of the Irish Shells?
  23. Yes, it seems reasonably close since all the Irish Bachmann disappeared. Now for an engine shed…..
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