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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Wht was the 201 fiasco? ... getting slightly off thread (but you brought it up)
  2. Anyone know where I can find 44-250, 44-251 and 44-252 Irish outline engine shed, station, and signal Cabin please? Thank you
  3. I don't know... I think we forget that IE has failed to keep the locos looking well over the years. We feel like they should not look like this. I mean, the vast majority of us don't try to keep out vehicles in 'weathered' condition for too long at least!
  4. Great information! I picked up a couple of early NIR coaches with a few more on order just waiting to receive them once ready. Thanks for all your information on this it helps me to understand whether my respray's are truly accurate and helps expand my knowledge in this area thanks again Kevin
  5. Dave, Noel tells me you both got sorted out with baby GM's!
  6. Maybe jhb171achill knows any more about this?
  7. And now you have some more 141s, so knock yourself out chipping them all!
  8. Good job Noel. I'm not a big fan off at 2:01 locomotives but this kinda makes me want to buy one!
  9. I thought that too... Then I think I bought the last one available here in the US, having no previous intention to model any part of NIR. I kinda like it and am looking to get some coaches from that period to match it, although they were never made as RTR
  10. Wow! Was expecting "can't believe he doesn't know this..." and a one-liner. Likely experimental followed by greater visibility of corporate logo but does anyone really know...? Someone on here gave a remarkable account of liveries over the years. I think we made the thread a 'Sticky'. Anyone recall these minutiae?
  11. Finally got some of these from a man in Portlaois Does anyone know where I can find some of the older ones???? Although one of you gave me advice on some card kits on another thread and these are looking more promising by the minute
  12. Withdrawn? You decided to keep it...?
  13. Chris Dyer advertises that he has ALL baby GMS in stock if his website is up to date (not sure if these are resprays) http://www.chrisdyerfairs.co.uk/index.php?p=1_5_Direct-Sales And if you read some old threads on this site you'll realize there are some hoarders that could probably help you out;)
  14. So the large three pin us a recent thing. Think the black and silver repaint didn't happen until about 2007. So all remaining 141s had the small logo too?
  15. http://www.ebay.ie/itm/Murphy-Models-MM0111-Class-071-Diesel-Locomotive-/161406102145?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item25948daa81 In case you want to complete the trilogy.....
  16. Does anybody know the history of the IE small logo
  17. And presumably the same happens with cork underlay or anything else, unless the track if effectively 'isolated' from the layout by the foam. So how are experienced modelers getting around the noise issue?? Good tip on the foam. That looks a lot cheaper, although it reduces noise but doesn't look like a ballasted track. How thin should the foam be?
  18. But very little yellow, Heirflick... how did you survive?
  19. Thanks, Martin. But I only see a download for Windows platforms. A couple of us on here are using the Mac platform and while most mainstream programs are available for Macs, most specialized items or those without global interest may not be may available for OSX.It's purely a volume issue, I think
  20. Yes, I see the error of my ways and agree with you, A-class. Maybe wait on those (and some time to begin building...)
  21. This is all good stuff, folks! Keep posting..
  22. Nope, but keep us posted as that'll feature along the way too.
  23. I kinda thought that these might not be that similar when I posted. Some great shots for the scratchbuilders! Looked at all the threads and links and realize that these neither resemble the short (20'?) wagons nor the double bogie ones, which I prefer. The shapeways one looks prettty similar to my eye but I was hoping for a RTR without too much work/time!
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