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Everything posted by Irishrailwayman

  1. Full marks to George at Wonderful Weathering for the weathering job on 230. With Eamonn's excellent photography, it almost looks real!
  2. The WMRC show is always worth a look (I would say that wouldn't I)http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/4874-Wexford-Model-Railway-Club-Exhibition
  3. Irish Freight Models have an offering: http://www.irishfreightmodels.com/index.php/shop.html#!/Irish-Rail-Curtain-Side-Cement-Van/p/14618136/category=3449801
  4. Wexford Model Railway Club are pleased to announce the programme for its 2015 Annual Festival Exhibition to be held at CBS Hall, Thomas Street, Wexford Town: Sunday October 25th and Monday October 26th, 12 noon to 5pm each day. Admission Adults €4, Child €2, Family of Four €8. List of stands: 1. Sean Ryan model sales 2. Joeseph's Bridge OO Irish themed layout WMRC 3. Rathmichael OO Irish themed layout WMRC 4. Bridge Street OO UK Outline Compact layout G Lloyd 5. Bushville HO US Outline layout (in development) WMRC 6. Seamus Graham model railway sales 7. Benwaddington OO Thomas themed layout D Fallon 8. Wayneton Vale N gauge UK Outline W Thomas 9. East London MRC O gauge exhibits 10. Silverton 11. Michael Morris model card kits sales 12. Dioramas 13. Shunters Yard new Compact layout in OO GWR outline G Byrne 14. Railway video & rest area A Raffle and Second-hand stall will also feature. All welcome (the new section of the M11 should ease the journey for those travelling from Dublin).
  5. Great job on those buses Eamonn!
  6. Is there a list of exhibitors?
  7. Well said. The State should always look out for the common good performing some services itself while overseeing that the private does least harm (which it signally failed to do with the banks). Business will always look to profit which may disadvantage people e.g. workers...
  8. Great job with weathering and backscene!
  9. Under "Contact" Mr Soundguy quotes an e-mail address and a UK telephone number. His name is Keith Pearson and a real nice bloke to deal with.
  10. Mr Soundguy (see: http://www.mrsoundguy.co.uk) does the best 201 soundproject on Zimo soundchips. The best speakers are the Bass Reflex from DCCsupplies.com (check if Zimo model needs 4 or 8 oHm resistance speaker). Hopefully the Lego model will have plenty of room to accommodate these. Mr Soundguy also does O gauge soundchips if you are building a very large model.
  11. The Irish sound recordings are copyright to Mr SoundGuy (not DCC Supplies or MSB). He now works exclusively with Zimo chips not ESU Loksound. Sound is expensive but only one of each class/livery need have sound as only one or at most two loco's sound can be heard at one time. Unfortunately, the basic soundchips have not come down in price over the years. Mr SoundGuy sells primarily through his own website now and can be contacted directly with queries/orders.
  12. The Alphagraphix reference is CC72A or CC472B. The livery is grey "GN" No 609 "To carry 20 tons" with Guinness Dublin emblazoned on both sides! I got mine from Michael Morris at one of the Wexford exhibitions (€6). I haven't assembled mine but you would need a bogie chassis to make it operational.
  13. The book "First steps in railway modelling" by CJ Freezer has a detailed discussion on building baseboards. Marks Models and other outlets should have it available.
  14. Alphagraphix do a card 4mm model of the Guinness bogie GNR wagon and Irish Freight Models do a Guinness tanktainer which looks nice: http://www.irishfreightmodels.com/index.php/shop.html#!/Guinness-Wagons/c/3461297/offset=0&sort=normal
  15. Irish Freight Models do the Lyons Tea 4-wheel wagon (see video above). I tend to run the Kilkenny Coal, Pierce's wagons etc on Ballybeg just for fun and variety of colour while acknowledging they are not strictly authentic!
  16. No doubt Wexford Model Railway Club will be holding their annual Wexford Festival Model Railway Show on the Sunday/Monday of the October Bank Holiday week-end in Wexford Town.
  17. Just to answer my own question, I found two photos of a bogie P&T van at Downpatrick from 2007:
  18. Does anyone have pictures of the CIE TPO in green livery showing presence/absence of decals?
  19. That looks like my first car: a Fiat 127 L 2-door in Pippen Red 462 DZL a 1981 model. The other car is a Ford Fiesta of similar vintage.
  20. Nice! I have ordered one in '5os green livery...
  21. A17 (IR livery) and 230 (Supertrain livery) also looking good complete with DCC soundchip (A39), detailed and directional headlights. Well done George.
  22. Track running through (and fitting in with) scenery (with a specific context)
  23. Athearn SW1500 chassis from America have gotten very expensive especially with the weak Euro. I haven't seen any available with sound. There is no room in the MIR bodies to house a decent speaker. However, with a new design for 121, it should be easy to engineer the space for at least a Bass Enhanced speaker.
  24. I approached PM many times over the years pleading to have sufficient space included in his designs to accommodate a Bass Reflex speaker or at least a Bass Enhanced speaker. The small round speakers could never hope to reproduce the sound of 141/071/201 with any degree of authenticity particularly as chip/speaker technology develops. However, to no avail so far - will he leave enough room in the new 121s to house a decent speaker I wonder?
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