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Everything posted by Irishrailwayman

  1. Some progress with back-scene fitted and tracks for the sector plates. Mirrors will be custom cut for each end of the layout to provide visual continuity.
  2. The N-gauge quality now available is amazing with directional lights and lighted destination boards on DEMUs, locos with lights and high quality coaches from Mk1 to Mk4s...
  3. Looks great.I love the 47 with large logo (I have one "preserved" on Llangollen, well thats my excuse).
  4. The weeds don't stand a chance!
  5. A couple of shots of the bare boards for information. The main scenic section is 4 foot six inches (54cm) by 9 inches deep 23 cm (additional space provided behind back-scene for control instrumentation and power supplies brings total depth to 1 foot 30cm). The fiddle yards either end measure 28 inches (71cm) by 8 inches (20cm). These will each hold three rail lines 2 foot (61cm) to hold/despatch trains. A sector plate will allow the lines to be alternated manually.
  6. Thanks guys. Glad you liked visiting Llangollen (and my model) - I only got interested in GWR/early BR when I began visiting there each year on holidays. We love the town, canal walks, surrounding countryside, railway and friends we now meet each year. Unfortunately, there is almost no trace of the Cynwyd station left but thankfully the restoration to Corwen is progressing well with plans for a full size GWR terminus there in time. I will keep ye posted on model progress hopefully for public exhibition in the October WMRC show.
  7. Having completed and exhibited Ballybeg (OO Irish circuit track), Llangollen (N GWR/BR circuit track) and Shunters Yard (OO GWR Compact Layout), I decided to look out for a prototype for an end-to-end (fiddle yard-to-fiddle yard) layout allowing me to use the N gauge rolling stock on Llangollen. I have identified a single line station and simple goods yard at Cynwyd just over two miles west of Corwen (the latest section to be restored from Llangollen) which fits the bill! Cynwyd closed in late 1964 as part of the infamous cuts by Dr Beeching so it lasted well into early BR days. The goods yard as you will see from the photographs consisted of a run-around loop off the single line with two head-shunts running away from the cover of the goods shed. One head-shunt ran behind the station platform past a cattle dock. A weighing machine house was provided in the goods yard. I have selected Ratio kits which most closely resemble the prototype buildings for the model. A new book on the Ruabon to Barmouth ("Llangollen") line has been published by Martin Williams who has kindly allowed me to reproduce some of the pre-closure photos in his book. I present some of these for info below and I will post up updates on layout progress from time to time (I have already started on building kits and on the wood work). An early 1960s view of Cynwyd from the road bridge (John Roberts, Llanuwchllynn) Cynwyd station platform (Peter Fisher) Cynwyd station c1910 (Neil Parkhouse Collection) Cynwyd c1962 (Peter Fisher) Cynwyd c1912 (Mrs Gwyneth Williams Collection) Cynwyd station entrance c1912 (Martin Williams Collection)
  8. Great collection of photos. There's enough there to write a book!
  9. Great to have a large, warm, dry and clean attic space to build a layout! Will you be able to demount the layout for exhibition purposes?
  10. Why not go N gauge and convert Graham Farish Mark IIs, IIIs or IVs to irish outline using vinyl overlays? See http://www.electrarailwaygraphics.co.uk/ Click on "International" then "Republic of Ireland/Northern Ireland" for full range of IE vinyl overlays...
  11. Irish Freight Models do a OO version. Perhaps if you asked them nicely they might share some of their research with you?
  12. I stayed in this hostel in 1976 when myself, brother and two friends cycled from Dublin to Kerry and back over two weeks going from hostel to hostel. Many of the hostels such as Loo Bridge have since closed. Happy days! Looks like the property has been extensively renovated since then.
  13. A palindrome: spells the same right to left and left to right...
  14. My landline contains 146 142 and my e-mail contains 071...
  15. Nice job on ye olde P&T era vans.
  16. Alphagraphix do a nice card kit of this style of engine shed...
  17. Still, the WMRC lads have their club fleeces in the high viz Wexford colours!
  18. A local Wexford TV report on the Exhibition: http://www.irishtv.ie/wexford-matters-74
  19. Many congratulations on your purchase. Have many hours of fun playing with, working on and exhibiting your layout. Loads of excellent N-gauge models to tempt you with Graham-Farish among the best upgrading their stock all the time with detail, lights etc. e.g. The Brighton Belle was issued in BR blue/grey...
  20. Thanks George and to everyone who attended. We had a reasonable turnout given the weekend's competing celebrations and were very pleased with the interest shown by all in the layouts. Great to meet folks from IRM.com for a chat. Gerry
  21. The first photo above has a locked symbol? Glad you enjoyed the show.
  22. There is what looks like a 6-wheel clerestory coach grounded on farmland a mile beyond Kelly's Hotel in Rosslare Strand... Next time I'm near I'll get a photie.
  23. Looking forward to meeting many of the IRM.com folks at the St Joseph's Easter Model Railway & Hobbies Exhibition this weekend.
  24. Nice job. I must get around to assembling mine for Ballybeg...
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