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GSR 800

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Everything posted by GSR 800

  1. 3 for me..2 grey ones and a blackntan one!
  2. Maybe you were thinking about me and my under coat on the 800( which was black)..nonetheless what a terrible dream...
  3. Bosko, you are a true and fair leader. Three cheers!
  4. Maybe was just a glitch,returned to normal now
  5. Ehh..lads..am i the only one seeing the old design for the site?
  6. http://www.steamtrainsireland.com/locomotives/loco461.htm
  7. Apart from minor details, such as Snap head rivets and that the dome would be rounded off a bit more,there would not be much of a difference
  8. Ahh the Aul virgin vomiter
  9. No need to apologies John,I didn't exactly make it very clear
  10. Twas Limerick junction I was talking about John!
  11. The enterprise was extended to cork in 1950 but didn't even get to see dieselisation. It was stopped in 1953, probably due to the fact that it over 5 hours long.i believe the film was in Tom ferris film, from Belfast to Baltimore.
  12. Twas the enterprise John
  13. I saw a piece of film showing no.406 arriving at Limerick Jct with an entire GNR set,a strange looking spectacle.
  14. At the October show, there was a picture of meadhb with enterprise headboards,for a second I thought it was a very strange looking VS class! How did they get the GNR coaches from Amiens street to Kingsbridge? I'm thinking the Phoenix park tunnel but I really don't know
  15. Considering that few people make Irish buildings and the company is a reasonably new one,the prices would be high,Dave has said their prices will reduce as their market expands,and as Ed has already said you get what you pay for.
  16. The train was testing the new Paris Strasbourg line.
  17. There seems to be a massive growth in the Irish market in the past month or two... Irish railway models... Des releasing commonwealth bogies and the rerun of the sulzer...the laminate..Dawson hall Irish range.the golden age of Irish modelling is here lads..but it has just begun..
  18. Scribbled onto to it can be seen "not to rou...shunt" rough shunt maybe?
  19. To save ye lads the trouble..http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/45-enniscorthymans-workbench/page16 however it only starts there..
  20. I presume the class 55(Deltic)chassis are a cut and shut job?
  21. This the lighting kit I believe. I doubt Des would put a lightning rod on an Aul B101, unless he found a new way to pick up electricity via the dark clouds in the sky...
  22. Ye got there before me Kev!
  23. So...beautiful....
  24. Jayus the lads in CIE must have really regretted the silver livery! I think there was one or two J15s shunting at Limerick at the end of steam. Amazing how they outlived their supposed replacements the J15as and Bs.
  25. I'm not saying they made do. I am talking about what was available RTR 30 years ago. I am well aware of excellent kit built and scratchbuilt models, Cyril Frys brilliant models being an example of this
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