Considering Drumboe lay abandoned at Strabane for nearly 30 years the loco is in sounder condition that you could have hoped for considering everything!
Good question Drumboe getting a new cab, bunker and side tanks etc. Severe corrosion due to almost 60 years outside in the rain in the North West. However things such as the frames etc are original and in better condition than expected.
Most of the inebriated could also come from Belfast and Carrick as well
Did see a few times when thanks to the efforts of such characters to enjoy fresh air that windows would be removed from the 70 class by all means possible to celebrate their return home from a loyalist parade instantly after boarding train home
These pagan festivals appeared to be sponsored by vast amounts of tinned beer in particular and strong language along with feral behaviour in the summer months!
Yes Colin Drumboe the Real Thing version is coming on well and as you are well aware so are the Bill's! All help welcomed to bring Drumboe back this summer to the Donegal Railway Heritage Centre..
In 1989 whilst Whitla Street was closed and before Cultra was built some ex CDR items were on loan to Foyle Road such as Trailer 3 and Blanche
Witham Street