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Everything posted by airfixfan

  1. Lovely CDR photo with Ballyshannon branch to the right on the outskirts of Donegal Town
  2. Have been building up an extensive photo archive on the Swilly since last summer!
  3. Love the new Skidmark brand for careless Modellers!
  4. In terms of the Narrow Gauge have now collected many photos of both the Lough Swilly and the County Donegal. In terms of the CDR using some unpublished colour photos of wagons and Van's for an article at present
  5. Yes they have a few photos from your collection identified and a few that appear to be from you via a different source!
  6. Supplied some photos and info for both the Swilly and the DNGR. Also oddly enough the first of a 2 part article on the DNGR in current issue of Railway Bylines with the usual minor errors in article/photos They have a 30 minute episode in the can on the Giants Causeway and "steam railway" today!
  7. This often happens in newspaper articles with old photos and incorrect dates etc!
  8. Some nice photos of the only Irish locos built at Crewe in current issue of Railway Bylines First of a 2 part article on the DNGR.
  9. Colin which of the two different versions of the Hudswell Clarke 4-6-2T locos. Either 15/16 or 7/8? My money would be on No 15. The last Swilly loco to be scrapped in 1954. ;
  10. See this photo from this article
  11. The last of the P Van's were painted NIR maroon but they never appeared to be cleaned so they looked different as John says.
  12. The embankment behind the loco was the original main line used before Bleach Green line opened in 1934
  13. Looks like the Mogul.is approaching for Belfast downhill near Monkstown at speed.
  14. Latest issue has an article on the last years of the Cavan and Leitrimí
  15. Thanks for the link Jim
  16. Talk is by Zoom and YouTube check out our website and Facebook page for details. All welcome
  17. Donegal Railway Heritage Centre holding a talk on the LLSR tomorrow night at 19.00
  18. Have a colour photo of a van body built to an old Midland diagram by the LNER during WW2 for the NCC
  19. My main areas of interest are the Irish NG lines especially the County Donegal and the Lough Swilly.
  20. See colour photo below and have some B/W photos as well
  21. Interesting choice and correct only one book published about NG rolling stock only. Even less on most of the Irish BG companies as well
  22. Have a colour photo of Diesel loco 22 in UTA days if you are interested?
  23. Some nice colour photos of the West Clare railcars in different shades if green in Narrow Gauge Steam Vol 1 by Kelsey Publishung
  24. Have a vast library of Irish Railway books. What are you planning to write a book about?
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