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Everything posted by airfixfan

  1. Another great photo with 800 from 1957
  2. Photo after repainting for the visit by UK engineers to Dublin in May 1958
  3. Thanks again
  4. Here is the return goods train at Banagher. Better view of the brake van for John
  5. Thought you would be interested. Jim
  6. Looking for something else and found a photo that 173 might enjoy?
  7. This might interest a few people? From same article Banagher goos train July 1957
  8. Thanks Steve for correcting photo. From July 1957 with former MGWR branch and station to the right. Banagher goods with G603 on the left.
  9. One of the photos from this article that John mentioned.
  10. Brief article with some nice photos in latest issue of Railway Bylines magazine.
  11. The Cavan and Leitrim is covered in this new book. On pages 200/201 there appears to be one of those elusive ex Clogher Valley full brakes attached to a Railcar trailer at Killybegs
  12. There was a refence to this on IRM a few months ago.
  13. Well done to Michael and others for taking the iniative and the risk to publish this valuable new book
  14. The new book on Oliver Bullied locomotives by Colin Boocock is very good. Loads of Irish content with many good photos as well.
  15. No a brand new book and ordered a copy yesterday myself from Michael.
  16. Seen posts on Facebook suggesting it is a reprint of the 2008 book. Obviously they are wrong and can trust John to be correct as always. Will order a copy today.
  17. Plenty of good information on the design of CDR buildings in the County Donegal Railway Companion in particular. Can get a copy of that rare map from about 1890 if you wish and it is in colour as well.
  18. There is a map from this period showing thrvpropsed lines in the North West on display in the Donegal Railway Heritage Centre.
  19. No other is the new loco for the Tralee and Dingle Railway purchased by the local council!
  20. The Donegal Railway Heritage Centre has published 3 new books on the CDR since 2017. The Heritage Centre has its main focus on Drumboe in the early part of 2021. Gathering a lot of material on the Swilly at the moment myself for another project in addition to Strabane. Narrow Gauge Steam 2 by Kelsey publishing due out in a few days has 3 Irish NG articles in total.
  21. Agree with David and many thanks and Happy Xmas 2 Jim
  22. Pass them.on and we can update the photos. Have already been sent a few rare photos already. .
  23. Thanks that photo just one of many rare photos that I have recently claimed for my NG collection for lines in the North and Donegal.
  24. A few of your fathers photos now feature on the Disused stations section from Foyle Road to Strabane.
  25. Narrow Gauge Steam issue Number 2 by Kelsey Publishing now available. Has 2 articles on the County Donegal and an article on the Castlederg&VBT as well.
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