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Everything posted by airfixfan

  1. Steam in Camera (Second Impression) 1898 to 1960 page 28 has an excellent photo from Ken Nunn of one of those Brecon and Merthyr tank locos Andy
  2. The Brecon and Merther Railway had similar 0-6-2ST locos
  3. Photo of MGWR Butter wagon on page 131 of your new book JHB
  4. Like the photo on the left and photo on the right was used and badly reproduced in an old Stenlake book.
  5. Well Done John and the lockdown led me to start writing articles and working on Disused Stations website etc. Whilst a series of chats at the Donegal Railway Heritage Centre (DRHC) and the discovery of many unpublished photos of the other railway in County Donegal has resulted in my first railway book. This will be published in early October by the DRHC. With all profits raised going towards mainly the Drumboe fund, from this book "The Lough Swilly Remembered". Details to order will soon be posted here and on the DRHC website. Special thanks to Ernie in particular.
  6. Went to see this awesome 7 and a quarter inch live steam model last Sunday. Simply stunning!
  7. Latest news is that I can now confirm that Drumboe will be returning home from Whitehead early next month..Major event being planned for Donegal Town Diamond on October 9th for the Drumhome event.
  8. Tracked some archive photos down of both 16 and 18 down from different sources Yes indeed after this task that indeed it is Railcar 16 as suggested. Accurate dating is so important and it took new photos of both railcars from 1948 before 18 went in fire to confirm Andy is correct!
  9. Now I have enlarged them.must say well spotted guys. First and last photos are Strabane checking some other Strabane photos in.my collection. Second photo is Donegal Town towards Stranorlar. Still sure it is 18. We can chat more about these new CDR photos on Sunday Colin!
  10. Donegal Town it is and Railcar 18 after being rebuilt after fire damage in 1949 always looked a little bit different.
  11. Thanks Patrick was speaking to.my friend Paul.earlier this evening about this. We plan to.update the existing Disused Stations page for this station and the Antrim branch After I get a book to the printers and 4 new articles completed by next Friday week!
  12. Was in that train and we were delayed after Taunton when Network Rail.put a heavy stone train out ahead of us the whole way to New fury.
  13. Very rare photos of the WW2 branch into the Airport today!
  14. Will be published on September 22nd according to an email.in my inbox this morning
  15. Superb review in latest issue of Hornby Railway magazine purchased in Glasgow Central this afternoon!
  16. According to a response by email and now on social media Fintown closed until further notice due to Covid impact! Some good ideas Colin and made similar suggestions about 2007 Give everyone a chance just concerned about an 80 year old railcar
  17. Some good points JJB and Colin and personally as John points it would be great if Fintown could join forces with the other railway projects in Donegal Town and Derry for the mutual benefit of all involved in the North West of Ireland. Fintown staff employed and operated through Gaeltacht funding each year with limited volunteer input. 80 year old Donegal Railway in poor external condition not designed to operate trains in reverse for over 2 miles! As JHB points out the Tralee scheme had a similar set up and look what happened to that scheme Attended an event in 2006 in Fintown where a planned extension to a terminus/park areas announced Rails left just past end of running line and area to be used untouched since then Photo below of this area from a few days ago.
  18. Made contact with them today after being sent more photos by a concerned friend who found it running a few weeks ago. My friend noted that Railcar 18 was still running solo again so he passed on some photos to myself today Matter is now in process. Their remote location has always been both an asset and a problem. Whilst we were there yesterday morning other visitors arrived asking the same question Are trains running today.? Send a PM if you want to chat in more detail
  19. Just reporting the facts went to the railway early August after it had re-opened 2 weeks before that date. Was back again yesterday and that is the relevant detail
  20. Work continues at Donegal Town to welcome Drumboe home soon. Photo of work on display area from yesterday
  21. Wasted a few hours travelling to Fintown yesterday to find the place open but staffed by the Invisible Man. Phoned last week to check so I could bring visitors to visit this line for the first time. This is not the first time that the line/place is closed on arrival when meant to be open. In May 2018 acting as Tour Guide brought a coach load of English enthusiasts for a booked visit. We arrived and guess what was closed and nobody answering phone etc! Photo from yesterday
  22. Follow up visit to Fintown found that despite stating line was open today. Place deserted and all rolling stock still left now locked up. Staff appeared to be there but were pretending to be a famous H G Wells character!
  23. Some former NIR Enterprise oaches converted to replace bomb damaged stock etc
  24. Can help as well have my own notes plus the classic Harris BR Mk 2 book as well Even got to Athenry and Tuam etc in an NIR Mk 2 set many moons ago!
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