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Everything posted by aclass007

  1. Another +1 for Hattons! People on here sometimes refer to them as box shifters. I don't get it. They sell so much stuff because they are damn good at what they do!
  2. aclass007

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Is glazing not supplied with the kit?
  3. I was just looking at http://www.downrail.co.uk/visit.htm . They have a running day on Jan 1st. Might be worth going, to see A39 and 146........
  4. aclass007

    SSM Sulzer 101

  5. They did. But, they were always well produced, and the information is accurate. They are probably worth having for the pictures alone!
  6. Another recommendation would be, Locomotives & rolling stock of Coras Iompair Eireann and Northern Ireland Railways. There were three editions of this book, which was first published in 1979, while the last edition would be mid 80's sometime, I think. It's probably one of the best reference guides to freight stock. Again, only available second hand now, but they are out there.......
  7. I seem to remember there were a lot of small inaccuracies in European Handbook No.7 Irish Railways: Locomotives and coaching stock - Fox & Pritchard. A similar, but much better book would be Irish Railways Traction and Travel, by Peter Jones, of the ITG. There were four editions of this book published, and are probably only available second hand now. They do appear on eBay quite often....
  8. Brilliant!
  9. I have to agree with everyone else. They look excellent!
  10. My opinion would be similar to the two previous posts.
  11. Was that Laurel and Hardy in the last scene?
  12. It looks brilliant!
  13. It mustn't be. There's only £3.42 bid on it so far....
  14. aclass007

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Looking good! I can't wait to see one fully assembled and painted.
  15. I don't have a definite answer, nor indeed the experience of ttc0169, but, my fondest memories of oil traffic is the A class locos hauling the oil tank wagons into Ballinacourty in the late 70's, early 80's. From memory, there was no barrier wagon on these trains, but, it is 30 years ago now, and I may be wrong. Also, on the back cover of the IRRS journal, no.112 from June 1990, there is a photo of a A class and oil train passing the Curragh in Jan.1979. There is no barrier wagon on the train, but, the info about the photo states that the train is empty. However, I'd imagine the barrier wagon would still be present, if it was in use......
  16. No worries!
  17. Thanks. There's not much point watching it now.......
  18. Are there any photos of the Dapol Bells, I wonder?
  19. Yes, I saw the pic on FB earlier. It does look good!
  20. Yep, a great find! Every single pic in that album is excellent!
  21. Looks good! Well done.
  22. WOW!
  23. Good to know the intention is to still produce them, and we even have some much needed time to save for them!
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