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Everything posted by burnthebox

  1. burnthebox


    I would echo the sentiments on the quality of the help, & advice on the site, there's always lots of it, & great idea's, from the first time I found out about the site I was hooked. I have to ay I did not know anything about the cost, (2K) but well done, to all concerned, keep up the great work, I'de rater this site to many others,maybe because the it's mainly about Irish models, and I think that's great,
  2. I would like to think that was a rail tour, which of course I did not have the pleasure of been on, thanks Anthony for sharing, magic,
  3. Where else wou'ya git tat Magic
  4. Hi guys and welcome, I'm not on Mayo, on the East side, you seem to have a fair share of stock to help get yourselvs on the road of setting up a layout, I have mostly UK outline rolling stock, made up of carriages, wagons, some diesel's, some loco's, all oo gauge, I would get confused with the other gauges, so I stick to what I think I know something about, I don't have a layout as yet, it's in the planning stage, just like all the others,
  5. Rich, as long as someone ( Leslie McAlister / Murphy Models ) produces Irish wagons I don't mind who it is, just someone get on with it,
  6. Please Mr. Murphy can I have Irish Wagons, Please Mr. Murphy lot's of Irish Wagons, Beet, Cement, Flat, Cattle, Hoppers, Please Mr. Murphy lot's of Irish Wagons, Please Mr. Murphy lot's of Irish Wagons, and in packs of 3, Please Mr. Murphy lot's of Irish Wagons,
  7. Hi guys, have a look at this lot from Rails https://railsofsheffield.com/class-111-diesel-locomotive-111-original-nir-livery-mm0111-JJJA23374.aspx
  8. Have a look at this guys, ANTRACK F40 and it's got lights PS I think the carriages are 12 wheelers http://modelrailwaylayoutsplans.com/yet-another-stunning-layout-video-from-arnie/
  9. Great stuff Dave, love those pic's, what are they costing now,
  10. Very well done, especially the attention you have given to the pipework, don't see anything wrong with the varnish, they both look just fantastic, now don't forget the video
  11. Hi Brian & thank you, very pleased with the Maintenance Shed,again sorry for the delay,
  12. Thanks for sharing the pics & video's, look's like it was a great show, making my mouth water just looking, well done to all who organised it,
  13. Hope the move go's well, and I should feel right at home viewing the other Merc's as well as the models,
  14. Definitely would be very interested in those, and it's a " MURPHY'S PUB "
  15. Popeye, I would have not noticed anything different, very well done, a great piece of work, detail look's great,
  16. Riversuir226 very nice photo's, many thanks for sharing them, hope you enjoyed the walk,
  17. Dave, it's brilliant, just stunning, love the work you have put in, look's fantastic, now don't forget the video,
  18. What a beauty, love that shade, thanks for sharing,
  19. Just in case not all of us know how to run loco's very, very slowly, this may be of some help, http://modelrailwaylayoutsplans.com/how-to-get-realistic-slow-trains/
  20. If we had spent more time LEARNING our NATIONAL LANGUAGE and LESS on our KNEE'S PRAYING we could ALL be speaking our NATIONAL LANGUAGE
  21. Don't you know you should only put questions to "He Who Knows " also known as God, also known as wrenneire
  22. Saw one in California in 2008, just off route 66, don't ask me what state the lead engine was in,
  23. You mean this guy, " " another one hits the dust, almost,
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