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Everything posted by burnthebox

  1. That's got to be the longest train, even if it is in 3 parts I ever set my eyes on, totally mind blowing, about 390 cars on it, not including the two sets of double headers on it,
  2. Thanks for the pic's, the setup's look great, only makes me more annoyed I won't make it down to see the show, PS Has yer man, (bottom of steps, pic 12 ) really been enjoying the Easter break,
  3. Hi irihthump, I've been sitting here viewing all your work on your layout, & I have to say it look's just fantastic. your attention to detail is amazing, I know it takes time to do what you would like your layout to be, your doing a great job, you also have a really nice selection of rolling stock, and your 071 sure do's not look out of place, very well done,
  4. Well done gm171, some nice very nice video's there, I really liked the slow moving 073,and the timber wagons o 234, is one of those wagons the recently refurbished timber wagon 30522. ( repainted wagon )
  5. A very neat piece of work wiggy, well done, look's great,
  6. Well spotted tcc, great shot's
  7. burnthebox

    071 photo

    Do's the fact the photo was taken on the 13th of the 2013 have anything to do with this, it is for real, is'nt it
  8. Well done, sounds great,a few pic's please, maybe a video,
  9. Nice one irishrail, well done, you were on the ball there, she's fairly moving as well,
  10. Hi & welcome to the site Dave, I don't know much about Irish Branch lines, I should of course, but you'l get that info on here, lot's of help available on here, just ask,
  11. Many thanks wiggy, I'm not to familer with the various types of track at this time, using Hornby, some Lima, by the time I'm putting my layout together, I'll be an expert, PS looking at your latest layout building plans, I can see you did'nt ever build anything in Dublin
  12. Amazing layout wiggy, well done, and you say you still have more work to do on it, question, I see white long track, Peco ? & black points ? is there a reason for this,
  13. Paddy Murphy did remarkable well when you consider the competition he was up against, most major manufactures, very well done Paddy,
  14. Hi Guys, this may be very handy for us modellers http://www.aldi.ie/ie/html/offers/special_buys3_26288.htm
  15. Hi Guys, this may be very handy for us modellers http://www.aldi.ie/ie/html/offers/special_buys3_26288.htm
  16. Hi and thanks Shinkansen, i was also very interested in the wagon kits, did you also get them in Waterford,
  17. Excellent, just perfect, well done, time well spent, now couple of questions if you don't mind, where do's one get these kits, 2, is that bridge single or double track & 3 what's the span,
  18. Hi Timmy & welcome to the site, it's seem's you are going to run trains, exactly what I intend to do, when I get my layout in operation, UK & Irish, so enjoy whatever you choose, lot's of advoice on here, and stuff for sale, the abuse of course is free, so's the dust on any models you buy, you won't get better help anywhere, so ask away,
  19. Hi all, for those of you who know how to do this kind of thing, this maybe useful for a lighting effect, don't blame me if it dos'nt work, http://modelrailwaylayoutsplans.com/more-lighting-know-how-from-barry/
  20. Just excellent, very well done, go's to show what's possible when you have a goog look around,
  21. RANGERMOUSE, just mega, as I always say, "gungy" perfect, keep up this work,
  22. Congratulations to you and your wife, Gareth, hope all's well as I'm sure it is, enjoy every moment, they go by so fast,
  23. As I said, NASA, stick to the choppers, you'll never make it with modelling trains,
  24. Yeh, as I said, NASA, and the carriage isn't bad either, it's bloody marvelious, I'll be interested, very,
  25. so that's what that button is for, still don't know how you heard me say a word,
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