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Everything posted by Sulzer201

  1. Lovely scene Noel, a heavy duty looking crane.
  2. Thanks for posting Paul, an interesting collection of stuff there which might tempt some.
  3. Good man again Snapper, your a mine of information, they certainly are pretty heavy trains, that still makes a four piece the guts of 200t ish, or a 181 and 4 cravens (ballpark)!
  4. Love the ysnk Noel, you did a great job on her, love the livery and the double heading.
  5. Looking great there Eamonn, those wagons are fab.
  6. I amanged to get a short vid clip (sorry about the quality etc) of the Hibernian train passing down the bank through Rathnew this morning at about 09.53. She was returning to Connolly for her onward journey to Waterford. Great to see a train like this on D.S.E.R. metals.
  7. I managed to get a short vid clip (sorry about the quality etc) of the Hibernian train passing down the bank through Rathnew this morning at about 09.53. She was returning to Connolly for her onward journey to Waterford. Great to see a train like this on D.S.E.R. metals.
  8. Thats bril and thanks again waffles.
  9. I got a shock to see the Belmond hibernian train passing rathnew today heading south around 3.20pm. I believe the train has stabled in gorey for tonight. Would anyone know the schedule for Sunday? I'm guessing she won't cross the barrow bridge with a 201? I would love to snap it tomorrow, a real train on the dser is very rare now. Thanks in advance.
  10. Hi all, I know I posted a similar question before but still puzzled as to the exact weight of the ICR 22000 trains. Viewed one recently at the 'metal bridge' Wicklow. These trains are fairly heavy for DMU's and are quoted as weighing 63tonnes per car on wikipedia? For a DMU they are hefty and the 'metal bridge' was rumbling as the train passed over at slow speed. According to the figures quoted a 4 piece 22k would weigh a hefty 252 tonnes! Would anyone be able to clarify the correct weights please? http://www.boards.ie/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=2056425234
  11. The prices listed on that website are far below what SF are charging for a finished model - SF are still charging around £148 sterling for a completed A with a Hornby dcc chassis. I don't know if the locos being sold by DB Models are up to that spec? previously they have been fitted with older type pancake motors with erratic running characteristics. It may be worth checking this as I bought one from SF a long time ago and Eamonn of this parish was kind enough to refit her with a cut and shut deltic chassis for smoother, slower running etc. I will not go into the any other issues which the top modellers on here have raised about the accuracy shortfalls of these models, other than to say, that they are fulfilling a need for some-including me-unitl, hopefully an RTR version is produced to the standards with which we are now accustomed.
  12. Was in NY with the family over Easter (pity of clash with Wexford show), came across the High line urban walkway which has been converted from a disused industrial line on the west side of mid-town Manhattan. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Line
  13. Sorry to hear this, best wishes Shem.
  14. Lovely job of a very unique little Irish loco. Great looking model Richard.
  15. A few more pics from last years show to Whet the appetite.
  16. Looking forward to the new incarnation Stephen, very high standards have already been set with Amiens St.
  17. Apologies if this has been posted up before (thanks to I.R.R.S.), but some very interesting video clips of diesels on the Howth branch, Hunslet powered Enterprise and the clear up after the Gormanstown smash.
  18. Hi all, would anyone have information on the date/eta for the arrival of an A380 aircraft to Dublin in the near future? Thanks in advance for any help. Tommy
  19. Hi Mike, I did not get many photos on this occasion but the place is very interesting, historical and beautiful. The railway following the course of the Avoca River all the way down to Arklow. Copper was mined here in the past and transported to Arklow, Wicklow and Dun Laoghaire by rail. Before the arrival of the Dublin, Wicklow and Wexford railway, a tram-line type system existed for transporting the ore to Arklow Port. You may find the attached link of interest. http://www.countywicklowheritage.org/page/mining_in_west_avoca
  20. Hi all, caught the afternoon Connolly-Rosslare service passing Tigroney, Avoca today. The pic were taken from the Miners Cross and I have read that a siding once existed at this location for the loading of ore from the local mines. This section is steeply graded and the train is just south of 'The Meetings' in the Rathdrum-Arklow section, a pic also of the water tower at Avoca Station good to see it largely intact and has been used by steam specials up to quite recently.
  21. Classic pic, well done.
  22. Lovely action shots again here and always a pleasure to watch developments and traffic movements on Tara Jnct. I love 187 and the pair of oil tankers, the 2900 is excellent, and what can I say about the 2700/2800 dmu - absolute class. There is also something very appealing from the blue 201 lovely contrast with that coaching set.
  23. Great job on oil tank wagons and love the ESB landys many a one of em trudged their way up to Turlough Hill back in the day.
  24. Lovely weathering there Noel, well done.
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