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Everything posted by Sulzer201

  1. Hi all - would anyone have any surplus materials; scatter, grass mats, trees, figures - general scenic items at a reasonable price. If you have I will try and take some. Many thanks. Tommy.
  2. Yes josefstadt the signal is an old dublo and it works. I got that back-scene at one of the Bray Toyfairs, from Walter Oberie - Kinvara-Model-Train / waldenmar@eircom.net. He does a lot of German/European stuff including back-scenes and his open to a bit of haggling too. Hi Heirflick - the little lad runs them under strict supervision but he knows not to touch the trains - even though its like Adam and Eve faced with the apple!
  3. Glad to hear your ok Anto.
  4. It looks so realistic - more amazing work.
  5. One word - Amazing!
  6. Great looking layout ger711 - I love your authentic looking oil wagon with notice of use, the fairground is also brilliant and the rolling stock-pocket wagons. Look forward to more pics.
  7. Came across this clip and just thought it so refreshing to see a busy freight railway at work here.
  8. Eamonn that 'Deeps' layout looks brilliant, especially with those two beauts rolling around it. Hope your mother is on the mend.
  9. Well done there Stephen - amazing layout as usual - great space and you have the technical skills to get wiring etc sorted. Looking forward to more pics soon.
  10. Well done Patrick - lovely scene recreated there, the station buildings, platforms and signal box look great. The rolling stock is fantastic and I like the open wagon with the mechanical loader parked in the station area. The oil wagon stabled in the siding adds more atmosphere to the layout.
  11. Hi josefstadt, yep it is European alright - possibly German countryside. I will change that in time and get something more authentic. For time being its screening off the attic rafters etc. I like the NIR loco BabyGM, she's rough and looks like she's been stored for a long time - rough and needs some work but she still runs and takes the odd gallop around the attic.
  12. Thanks everyone for the interest in the set. Dave got the first shout at it and it's put away for himself. Cheers all, Tommy.
  13. 071 got on the line despite not having a train to haul. Was getting the dins in the kitchen this eve when the four year old said he'd something to show me in the sitting room. I followed both he and his three year old brother to the sitting room only to find poor 071 laying on a chair - they had somehow managed to squeeze her out of the cabinet. Luckily she escaped with only some loose catwalk handrails, I got a fright and she immediately departed for the attic.
  14. Hi Dave, Rathnew - if you pm me we can work out some arrangement for the pick-up. Cheers all.
  15. Hi lads, would anyone out there be interested in the following? - Hornby James Passenger set - loco, tender, coaches, track, points and buffer stop all mint and boxed. To include track mat and dc power supply. The set is perfect and would be ideal for the 'young ones' among us! It really would make a great present and its great value at the first 50e. Located in Wicklow area. Many thanks, Tommy.
  16. Very poor and disappointing and probably typical of the media's general haphazard and poorly executed coverage of the rail industry.
  17. Lovely track geometry and flowing lines there Boskonay. 185 is one of the most realistic looking model locos I have ever seen.
  18. Well done Rob - great rolling stock and love that PW machine, saw a similar one stabled at Kildare last year and I think that beast was over 100ts
  19. Well done to wexfordloco10 - don't forget a vid clip I like to see her run and hear that GM sound.
  20. Would pounce at that but still paying back the wife for the 071. Apologies if not linking directly to advert.
  21. Boskonay your making us all jealous, she's a lovely loco you have there.
  22. Roryon - another great looking layout - keep posting those pics.
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