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Everything posted by Sulzer201

  1. Thanks Eamonn looking forward to them.
  2. Impressive building and view fishplate. I was over there two years ago and the tower cranes were still working on it. The tallest building in the EU at the moment and just beside London Bridge so great views across the river into the city of London and the financial district. It's much taller than the Canary Wharf tower and tips 1,000ft. I read there are plans to surpass this height in Moscow and I think there are plans to build a number of tall skyscrapers in the La Defense district of Paris.
  3. Interesting 'training' vid (No pun intended)
  4. Ye might get a laugh out of this one - not exactly 'City Gold' standard.
  5. Great job and now a lovely Irish shunter
  6. Thanks heirflick for brill photo. I see 041 is still carrying her snatchers.
  7. Item now sold.
  8. Okay lads I'll drop the price to 100e if anyone is interested and the buyer will have to arrange the collection. Thanks again.
  9. Bachmann 00 scale class 24 DCC with Sound. Perfect Cond., gunuinely has not ran a lot. Very reluctant sale but funds needed to complete the purchase of a Murphys GM NIR loco. Exc Sulzer sounds so the chip could even be used for an Irish sulzer and the owner will still have a Cl 24. I know its tough times for buyers but I reckon this one is great value at the first 110e. Thanks in advance. [video=youtube_share;zbCWkCefFZs]
  10. Well done Ger she's great - all she needs now is a 24 sound chip.
  11. Hi Eamonn, Im feeling the heat with the household charges etc so have been paying off NIR GM for number of weeks and hope to get her around Easter time - tough times for buying locos and stock, hence my total lack of authentic stock. Anyway Eamonn its like being back to the age of 10/11 when I used to cycle to Wicklow on the footpath and pay £2 off a lima warship which was then the massive price of £15. Took me ages but eventually I got her. I also had a crompton 33 and a Deltic and Joef stuff that was very poor quality. Great days!
  12. In the spirit of IR - I lifted a lightly used siding and added in a fence border, and on the other side I added a couple more small fields, farm building some livestock - thank's to Dave - and he hopes to get me a few PW figures shortly.
  13. Great vids - great to see this flow coming back. Hopefully some day we might hear positive news on Foynes Port and rail freight returning there.
  14. Excellet addition to the layout - great detail
  15. Sulzer201

    New Arrival

    Congrats Stephen and I hope you won't mind the sleepless nights!
  16. Fantastic ttc and the 2900 is brilliant looks great with your rolling stock.
  17. Absolutely brilliant.
  18. I hope you made it there burnthebox as you'd have been lucky to find enough snow out there to make a snowball. The temps in the clubhouse seemed okay too, Dave didn't appear to be bothered by the weather.
  19. Thanks for posting kevrail those buildings look great and the lighting adds greatly to the realism.
  20. Thanks Dave and Kinvara - see ye there as long as the snow holds off.
  21. Dave would you have any of the following for sale on Sunday please - pw figures, cows, sheep, farm buildings - in 00? Thanks.
  22. Great work irishthump your layout is looking really top rate.
  23. Great work on those cements Eamonn - a fantastic and authentic set of rolling stock. I remember them well making their clickety clack sounds over jointed track with a GM or A at the head.
  24. A pic from the 'Good old days' late 80s - when trains were trains and when even demu's had character and sound. 80 class on loan to Irish Rail from NIR pictured at Rathdrum while running a Bray to Arklow and return service.
  25. Best of luck kevrail with that - here are 187 and 039 on Anto's layout prior to heading south. I'd love a layout like that.
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