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Everything posted by Sulzer201

  1. I found that thread interesting before as I too had wondered what these were. Did any of the As, Hunslets, or big GMs carry the same type of modification when running on cross-border links?
  2. Great start Fitz, I'm also very much looking forward to seeing the layout develop.
  3. Great atmosphere in this work Hunslet, hi viz vests are yet to be compulsory and the flat bed and diesel shunter are excellent. Was that loco of the class built in Belfast by H&W? The 80 class driving trailer and train are also magic. I remember as a young boy being brought to Dublin and seeing one of these, or the blue HLs. They were refreshing and modern in appearance compared to the stock I was used to seeing on the DSER.
  4. It must be a complicated system of sparks under there Stephen, fair play to you and good luck.
  5. As I drove to work and listened to the radio report, I was thinking exactly the same sentiments as Warbonnet. The people that made those orders and spent all that money should have to explain why very good train sets were placed in storage. I remember the late 70s and early 80s when services were run with old and obsolete rolling stock. The staff of CIE did a great job through that period keeping the services running on a shoe-string budget. and I'm thinking of the haphazard condition of the passenger trains on the DSER line and the obsolete push/pull sets that ran Dublin inner and outer suburban services. I remember a PW staff member who walked a section of track daily, once telling me that some nights he lay awake worrying about the condition of the track. Wet spots were common place, and the track bounced under the weight of heavy goods traffic. Now we have top quality track, which in most cases is only used by the much lighter DMU fleet. In fairness, Irish Rail have modernized the fleet over the past number of years but a great deal of money was spent, many of the routes are still not running the promised faster journey times needed to compete with the expanded motorway network and the freight carry capacity of the rail system has been allowed to decrease steadily over the years. Warbonnet is right, that PR lady is lucky that the cat is not fully out of the bag yet.
  6. Amazing work it is built on a vast scale and is totally impressive
  7. Thanks, brilliant photos.
  8. Thanks Stephen I'll get to Woodies or Homebase and get some as that looks brilliant. Yep Dave your locos are amazing and the work does transform the models. Thanks ttc - it's a small layout and it needs proper ballast and scenery. All of which take time and money. I just try and make small improvements over time. It needs some authentic rolling stock etc but you can only pick up things as you go along. Good man Anto those pics will make my day.
  9. Thanks Stephen I'll drop to Woodies tomorrow after work.
  10. Just posting a few more pics, fitted the snow plough to the 150 due to the present forecast! Trying to make some little fields etc using budget materials and now looking for a substitute of cheap or good value ballast packs?. Sorry the 150 is the closest I can afford at present to the Castle class and likewise with the 158 for the 27. Anyway can't wait to get a filty A and 181 from Anto. If your looking in Anto I can't wait for a few pics!
  11. Great work there Eamonn she will be a fine looking loco.
  12. Great idea, a key part of our industrial heritage in model form. Best of luck with it and looking forward to more pics.
  13. Great shots there Hunslet 102, and that PW gang is great, very atmospheric and I remember seeing many such crews and it was tough manual work. I love Merlin too, in traffic what was the max speed of the 3 Hunslets and were they ever overhauled in inchicore works?
  14. Gareth, I'd second Kirley and would take one if you ever do a second batch of them.
  15. Stephen that layout is totally amazing. I love that viaduct and the rolling stock, especially the oil train, are all so realistic. Well done whole project is a masterpiece.
  16. Spotted the following little collection and think we've all seen worse value out there. http://www.donedeal.ie/for-sale/hobbies/4391107
  17. Hi all, I managed to fit the 201 with the 3 funct bachmann chip and delighted with the results. One cab light working along with directional lights, most importantly, lovely smooth running. Is it okay to fit the same type of chip in the 071? My longer term plan will be to invest in a sound chip for the 071, in the interim I would like to just fit a basic chip. On the the budget scenic topic, I was in the garden yesterday and managed to rake some moss etc - which I've used for hedges etc. I know this stuff is pure amateurish but I was happy enough with it for the time being. The dynamis is nearly as reliable as the HEP on the 201s! I changed the location of the receiver and have the handheld unit in line of sight to it. It will also suffice for the time being as The Brickworks is a small layout. I have also included 2 photos of a fabulous line-up of Morgans. Our family member who passed recently was a keen vintage car enthusiast and attended such rally's all his life. The Morgans turned up to give him a good send off.
  18. Brilliant Eamonn, absolutely Brilliant. Who knows one day all of us on this site might one day get together and restore a few miles of one of these lost lines. Where there is a will there is a way and the people on this site have the will, knowledge and expertise to tackle such a project. Well done great pics.
  19. Great shots, great loco and amazing layout. I love the goods train with the 141 and brake van. Were these the locos that were built in Inchicore or were they imported from England? Thanks for posting, very enjoyable and love the crew in front of the loco.
  20. Thanks Rob - that is very good value for a top model.
  21. Thanks Stephen and Anthony wasn't sure if it was the blanking plate and was afraid to try any pressure. Thanks Eamonn I will give you a buzz when I get the kids asleep near 9ish? if Ok. I'm entertaining them as wife at a wake. Regards, Tommy.
  22. Hi lads, Excuse my ignorance. I want to convert a Murph 201 from analogue to DCC but I don't want to pay the full whack for the Murph Chip. I know this topic has been broached before but would anyone have any suggestions - As you can see I'm totally in the dark with this stuff. I have posted pics of the loco and a Bachy chip - of the type I'm hoping to fit and get away with. The pic of the loco roof hatch open and showing the connection base for the chip - can anyone confirm is the base here ready to receive a chip or is it a blanking plate cover. Again, apologies for such basic questions but would greatly appreciate any advice. I was due to be in Wexford and Eamonn was going to help but due to a death in the family, on the wife's side, I could not get down. Thanks all in advance. Tommy.
  23. Brave and Brilliant work she will be a smasher I'm sure.
  24. Great clips and sounds heirflick - don't know if your man's doc would be recommending standing there in that plume of black haze though.
  25. More amazing modelling there Anto.
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