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Everything posted by Sulzer201

  1. Sulzer201


    Stephen you are to be congratulated for your work on developing this site. It is sometimes easy to overlook the considerable investment of time and money required to keep things going. We all appreciate your efforts. The site is doing wonders for promoting the hobby in Ireland, not to mention the fact that it is a great resource for experienced modellers and a source of encouragement for those (like myself), who have little in the way of skills or knowledge, but who are willing to 'have a go' and try start off in the hobby. Many thanks Stephen and I hope the site will continue to grow and expand into the future.
  2. The look brilliant.
  3. Hi Riversuir - definintely worth the wait - would like to be in Anthony's league when it comes to buying new stock.
  4. Thanks Broithe. That means IR has a high number of route miles. The network within Scotland is even bigger again.
  5. New arrival NIR 112 arrived to 'The Brickworks' at last.
  6. Wiggy it all looks brilliant. The 3K is deadly and I love the timbers and ferts.
  7. Excellent photos as usual wanderer - you certainly get around. I was at Tamworth two years ago and it is some location for viewing trains. The high level station and the four track WCML are always busy with speeding pends and lots of freight too. The HHead-Cardiff service is interesting and runs part of its journey on English metals. Would you know the total milage of the Welsh rail system? - I know they've recently reopened new routes on the valley lines out of Cardiff. The Looe branch looks a gem.
  8. Fantastic progress and layout kirley and the new coaches look the business too.
  9. Thanks for posting Kirley great pics.
  10. Brilliant scene Stephen very realistic and reminds one of lots of urban areas post Celtic tiger. That 071 looks great the livery is catching.
  11. Very interesting background on a unique and great sounding train.
  12. Popeye well done she looks brilliant.
  13. Hi heirflick - she was in a bad place - on an embankment screened by hedging and I could not get any closer. Someone on here might have some better pics.
  14. Skillful and efficient work as usual there Eamonn.
  15. Looking brilliant Eamonn - keep us updated with the pics.
  16. Thanks hidden-agenda she's certainly different and she doesn't visit the DSER route very often.
  17. I hadn't seen this video before and think its brilliant.
  18. Anyone spot this ad yet - CWR would be cheaper to lay! http://www.adverts.ie/other-antiques-collectables/vintage-lima-00-scale-no-1-electric-right-point/2905911
  19. Agree Riversuir its great to see the line is still largely intact. Imagine if a private freight operator was to come in there and serve New Ross Port - that may be a pipe-dream at present but if as long as the route is intact you never know what the future may hold for this line.
  20. Hi lads, Apologies for poor picture quality and the fact that I could not get closer to the subject. Spotted the PW inspection car 'Jess' stabled in the Wicklow Sidings, Greystones, today. Would anyone know the weight and engine power of this vehicle? An interesting one to model.
  21. Brilliant layout, I love the river and the station with ruined church - fantastic.
  22. Great additions and modifications - top notch work as usual.
  23. Great stuff Hunslet.
  24. Few shots of 186 on RPSI Easter Special to Wicklow, 1st April.
  25. Eamonn thanks for posting photographs of those brilliant layouts. They all exceptional but I loved that cement depot and the 22k passing. The 121 on the mixed goods is also brilliant.
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