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Everything posted by Sulzer201

  1. Well done there Eamonn, that cie goods looks great. The layout is A1.
  2. Great work Stephen and those buffer stops look the business.
  3. Would anyone know the exact retail price for the 071/111 yet? I want to start scraping my cents together and hopefully get one before they screw us all completely with their next budget. I wonder what they cost a piece from GM in 1976?
  4. They look brilliant, would love a rake like that myself.
  5. Thanks waffles for the heads up on a great evening. Well done to Ciaran on a most informative and interesting presentation of Norman McAdam's superb GNR photos. A very enjoyable evening with the concentration only interrupted momentarily by the distinctive horn of a 201 class arriving in from Cork.
  6. Well done there popeye, she looks amazing.
  7. Well done there Eamonn, she's looking brilliant.
  8. Well done Train Model. Layout looks great with lovely scenery and your rolling stock makes me very envious.
  9. A few shots from the RAIU/RAIB reports of some recent incidents. Thankfully no one was seriously hurt. 2900 DMU off the road after landslide near Wicklow, Summit Tunnel derailment and the final snap shot from onboard cam before a 22000 DMU makes contact with a car on a crossing near Galway.
  10. Coming on with great pace Fitz. Looking forward to the vid.
  11. Thanks Fitz for that and will keep it in mind. I'm chiefly looking for straights.
  12. Sound Fitz that's great.
  13. Hi all, Just wondering would anyone have spare track for sale? Looking for straights, approx 6 metres - mixture of shorts and longs be fine. Small number of curves would also be good. Many thanks.
  14. Two lovely machines there Anthony, I especially love the 66.
  15. Thanks Wiggy, I never would have guessed that they were those kind of weights. No wonder that truck was pushed onto the pavement and had its cab torn off. Also that recent tangle with a Dublin Bus left the Double Decker with half of its side gone. Motorists and pedestrians would need to have much more respect around those trams and stay well clear.
  16. Well done - another amazing layout.
  17. Anyone know what kind of weight a LUAS tram is? They have a light plastic appearance but obviously are hefty enough underneath.
  18. Hi irishtrains2730 - What is the lowest offer you will accept for the pair of beet wagons? Thanks.
  19. Well done Fitz, that layout is coming on with great speed and can't wait to see more pics. The PW gang look busy too. Love the deltic and the GM59.
  20. Hi 201bhoy any chance of pics of the locos and the individual prices in Euro please?
  21. Well done BosKonay that layout is another really amazing one. You have some amount of Irish rolling stock - keep posting the pics it looks brilliant.
  22. Looking amazing there Wiggy.
  23. Thanks heirflick and Boskonay, love the tune myself and must get down to see the diesels! on the WCR soon. Will post a video of some moving trains shortly, if I ever get the tracks clean enough to stop trains from coming to unplanned, abrupt halts!
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