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Everything posted by minister_for_hardship

  1. Four lines of bolt heads on the sides, these appear to have been captured on Leslie's version.
  2. Seriously thinking of repainting my Provincial Wagons "H" to make a green "H" out of it for a little variety.
  3. I got mine yesterday. Oil's well that ends well.
  4. Or, cynical hat on, if there's an angle they can make money out of it.
  5. With the UK there's a latent sense of pride that they practically invented them, here they're still looked upon in some quarters as being a bit foreign. I do think in some of the younger generation, when they see a well done exhibition model railway there's a "that's cool" respectful reaction rather than pointing and sniggering at "toy trains" and their operators (sic.)
  6. An old furniture container of mine did sit nicely in a Shapeways Bulleid, but not the IRM version.
  7. Where were the Molasses flows going to? Was it for food or agriculture?
  8. Not the best quality image, found while clearing phone of messages.
  9. I wonder why in the 1:1 world, why didn't more selling and regauging go on between Britain and Ireland? Could have made things easier for us!
  10. When first outshopped I believe the originals were painted black and letters and border picked out in silver, latterly they were plastered over with layers of black and orange paint. The replicas have no fixing studs either so that's another pointer to never having been fixed to a loco. I remember seeing them being sold at an ITG sales stand years ago.
  11. I generally watch Portaloo with gritted teeth, that booming voice and his blinding wardrobe.
  12. Id be very surprised if the chassis of both were bang on identical. They're bound to have some differences, wheels bigger or smaller, or spaced differently, or different number of spokes. I don't think it's a clue at all. The one clue I can see in their release is it may be a preserved RPSI loco, quite possibly one active currently or in recent years.
  13. I think the aluminium alloy ones were replicas cast by the ITG in the 1990s(?) and sold to raise funds.
  14. In Ireland generally it is red (latterly hi vis orange) for both home and distant. In Britain it's red for home, yellow for distant although the GNR(I) also followed this convention.
  15. Used all over Ireland, Britain and further afield. No real way of knowing where it came from if not marked with a location.
  16. It's a bit rich of the antiques trade advising people to invest in antiques on the sunday newspaper supplements when they knowingly flog so many duds.
  17. Different sort of GNR chair.
  18. GS&WR, D&SER, GNR(I) and GSR. CIE chair with Gaelic font. MGWR soleplate and washers compared with GN chair. (Both found lying by the newly laid Navan greenway)
  19. Cameras are set up to monitor operation of barriers rather than catching idiots crashing into them. Maybe IR could liase with Gardai and others who may have better cameras along the route the truck took, ie toll booths, and work out who the offender was? But I guess this wouldn't be a high priority for Gardai as no one appeared to be injured.
  20. Not really. The specialist UK railwayana auctions, on the other hand, will remove anything reported as a replica as their reputations matter.
  21. 20 years of Luas has been doing the rounds in media. None of the rest would be of much interest to news media and non aficionados, they'll have mark the 200th of the D&K in 10 years time with something.
  22. Ordinary junk "upgraded" with bogus lettering and that old offender, the Indian made candle lights.
  23. Some of these were just ground frames in a glorified garden shed. Maam cross has a ground frame with a mini staff release.
  24. Freshly robbed from an IE bridge!
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