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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. He once had a twenty minute violent agreement with a chap, until I could stand no more and shouted at them until they finally understood that they were both saying exactly the same thing, but from opposite directions. There is an amusing materials-based story involving asbestos, but I'll have to tell you that verbally one day, as it's not suitable for a public scenario...
  2. You may have come across Dave Gorman the comedian? I worked with his father, who I remember being a huge fan of Tufnol, to the point where it almost became a running gag in itself, long before his boy took up joke-telling for a living.
  3. When I had a 'real' job, these materials were in widespread use We also had Paxolin and Permali, plus quite a few other more 'modern' composite materials. Permali was particularly nice - resin impregnated beechwood plies. It is fantastically tough - and takes a beautiful finish. Tufnol always struck me as a sort of artificial boxwood substitute, in the way that its properties were not directional at all, and it was so 'fine-grained' that almost any size/shape combination would be OK.
  4. Many years ago, I built a kit car - a 30s-style MG sort of thing, using Morris Minor parts, mostly. There were some quite nice wire-wheel style wheel covers available at the time, but only in sets of four, which was a shame, as the spare was exposed and a fifth one would have been nice, but the manufacturer/importer would not be moved on supplying a single, so I resolved to make a cover for the spare, rather than buying eight and having three left over. At that time, my road was notoriously potholed and, before I started to sort out the cover, I was working in the front garden one day and was very nearly hit by a flying wheel cover. It was an exact match for the four in the set that I had just bought.
  5. ^ The video has gone, that can mean that they may be contemplating a prosecution...
  6. Did you leave out "fluffy and moth-eaten"..?
  7. A preliminary assessment has taken place - as before, the brakes appear to be seized on the 'off' position - and there seems to be no oil in the buffers for damping purposes - otherwise, they seem OK.
  8. I understand, from my Goods Receiving personnel, that mine have arrived. I'm currently assembling the necessary quality assessment protocols and should be able to give a preliminary report in a few day's time.
  9. Even with the recent extension, Cork is not a huge place - in UK terms, it's between Wolverhampton and Bolton in size, neither of which are really stand-alone places, more like large suburbs of even larger cities. In terms of 'isolated' conurbations, Aberdeen, Luton and Norwich would be fairly similar in population.
  10. If you do make a mess of one of your containers, there's no need to panic, just put it to one side, as a special feature.
  11. In the past, there were many prophets, scattered about the wilderness, slowly converting the faithful with their craven images.
  12. Who could possibly have foreseen that..?
  13. Broithe

    New Member

    It may be just this once*, subject to a double-booking situation. * best to check in the future.
  14. Continuing the religious metaphor from before - MIR may be from the Old Testament, but Saint Ian was most certainly a prophet.
  15. Two packs for me - do feel free to vary the packs to suit, if anybody becomes desperate for a particular one - as long as I know which ones I've had. And I'll be away from my Big Island hideaway for a bit, so they can go to the Western Island address, as before, this time.
  16. Oooh - it's been scanned? When can we expect to see a pre-production sample? Will it have lights and sound?
  17. So a 40mm height change in that case, if nothing else alters.
  18. How much radius might you lose between a new wheel and one that's been turned/worn down to the minimum?
  19. Another view. https://www.geograph.ie/photo/3025809
  20. By that time, Scotland might be back in and they could come across the new bridge...
  21. Excellent - for my future purchases, you can send stuff to my Big Island hide-out, if you like.
  22. Phew! I was just looking up defibrillator locations....
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