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Everything posted by connollystn

  1. Think I'll wait for the guys at IRM to produce a model of the ICR prototype. Thought most of you guys would have had enough of BR resprays passing off as Irish rolling stock!
  2. Wouldn't that be great - a 1 day long special of the unboxing of the A Class? Not really into sarcasm but I get the feeling that many of you guys would fast forward past the first 23 hours and 45 minutes of the show just to avoid the review about the box.
  3. Hi Garfield. Is it possible to place a tracking device on the containers containing the As when they leave the factory in China so we can trace their progress to your warehouse? It'll give me something to do for the long weekend.
  4. I didn't think there ever could be a boring television programme about railways................ie. 'til now.
  5. That's an unusual sight seeing two As operating a double headed train. An interesting mix of coaches in toe. Thanks for the pic.
  6. @BosKonay, I have to agree - the likelihood of a brand new 141/181 could be a bit away but worth it. The downside to that is the current versions will be on eBay are rediculously high prices because the demand is growing but not in the numbers to justify a manufacturer producing a brand new line of those locomotives. At the moment there is demand for wagons to run with the early liveried 121s and As and there will be people looking for models of the B101 and C class also. It's hard to believe we're having this conversation because it's not to long ago the top of the range model of an Irish locomotive was the Lima BR Class 33 in the supertrain livery.
  7. DJ Dangerous - they will have to be a completely new locomotives so it will be up to somebody to release them.
  8. In ten years time they'll all be very old locomotives, can't say that issuing re-runs of models using aging processes and technology as being a positive move. We have to remember that in order to promote the hobby we have to move with the times. I expect (and hope) that over the coming years that new hobbyists will enter the fray and there's a need to keep the offerings as new and as fresh as possible.
  9. I don't think that there'll be re-runs of the 141, 181 or 071 locomotives as technology has moved on and it would be pointless re-releasing out of date products. With the release of the 121 and As the bar has been raised to new heights and there would be an expectation by modelers getting into the game that versions of newer locomotives will be, at least, as good if not better than those aforementioned prototypes. Patience is the name of the game.
  10. I haven't asked about the As today.
  11. I might try logging onto one of those dating websites. Actually, I do have a model railway layout also - so hard to decide.
  12. Will it be a cumulus or nimbostratus?
  13. I have to take my models out of their' boxes, otherwise, they won't operate properly on my layout. Saying that, some of those Jouef models would have looked much better if they remained in their' boxes. Can't wait for the As to arrive, haven't seen anything posted about them lately.
  14. Even looking at that Jouef stuff would be enough to poison your dog - long before he got his teeth into them.
  15. Who would be mad enough to collect that crap?
  16. It's hard to believe that's the best that Jouef (Ireland) had to offer us poor unfortunates.
  17. This forum is a lot better than when first launched. There wasn't an awful lot to talk about back then but now, with all of the new models of late, there's a lot to keep all of us interested. I wonder if there are any updates regarding the As, haven't heard anything about them since last week.
  18. Every expense was spared when these were produced. Fadó fadó when I was a kid it fooled me for about 2.5 seconds. The arrival of the IRM As will certainly consign these to the model railway history books.
  19. It's a pity there were no 4-6-0s preserved by the RPSI. I've been wading through Irishswissernie's massive photographic collection and there were some impressive locomotives. It's a tad depressing to see what we've lost.
  20. I like both the Flying Snail and IR logos. The IÉ logo is awful.
  21. I've a sneaking feeling that the pubs will be fully re-open before the As arrive.
  22. I've just added my location to the map so, from now on, I'm going to be extremely careful what I say on here as I don't want anyone knocking on my door......
  23. connollystn


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