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Everything posted by connollystn

  1. What are dynamic brakes? I've heard them mentioned a lot on product review videos relating to models of American diesel locomotives.
  2. Do any of you guys actually 'enjoy' railway modelling?
  3. It's a brilliant model. Didn't think I'd bother with the grey version until I saw it in the flesh. I'm in awe of how great it looks, took my breath away. Hope it's detailed enough to keep the Irish railway modeller extremists happy.
  4. 20 years ago we weren't complaining about the plastic looking hand rails on our 'Irish' railway models. I wonder why that was?
  5. Think I'll wait for the Silver Fox version.
  6. I notice that the changes/updates were done on a 'Good News Week'. What will happen the week when the As are launched? Watch this space (which might look a lot different than it does today)!
  7. Great locomotives - didn't a load of 37s end up in France working during the construction of one of the new high-speed train lines? That would have been an interesting sight. Wonder if they were re-liveried.
  8. Going to make every effort to get to this forthcoming event. Keep getting up way too late on Sunday mornings. I'll be sitting on the top deck of the 145 so it'll be like getting a tour of South Dublin and North Wickla.
  9. Looks like I'll be leaving mine in their' boxes.
  10. Can't wait for the first 'Unboxing/Product Review' video to appear online later.
  11. @ Robert Shrives - I don't bother looking at them anymore as they are very annoying and seem to be more like self promotional videos rather than about the product they're reviewing. There are videos of high quality European HO model layouts so lots of them to keep me entertained. Hovermotion has a great layout [HO] and comes across as being very enthused by what he purchases. Maybe someone on here could start doing product reviews minus the socks, slippers, shoes, wooden floors, carpets etc. I'm sure lots of us will have plenty to say when we get our hands on the highly anticipated Murphy Models 121s - hope it's all good.
  12. Are these guys meant to influence potential purchasers? They spend so much time unboxing the product that I end up knowing more about the packaging than the model being reviewed. Also, some of the Reviewers unbox the products on their floor the only thing I tend to remember is whether they were wearing socks [usually white] or slippers. (I think that this post should be moved to the Rant & Rave/Letting Off Steam thread)
  13. They're only leaving China now? Feck sake! They're taking ages. It's not long 'til Christmas now. At least for the good news. VAT has been reduced down from 23% to 21% so the models should be a little cheaper should you be buying them from an Irish retailer.
  14. @wrenneire Does this mean they've arrived?
  15. Glad I don't have a weak stomach.
  16. Fantastic models guys. I remember the days when I used to operate four plastic boxes painted with the CIE 'Supertrain' livery 'round an oval track and thought it was the bees knees - it was a real test of my imagination. We've come a long way since then, only people my age or older would remember the dark ages of Irish railway modelling. Thanks again lads [IRM] for doing all the hard work in researching and producing such spectacular models.
  17. That was such a momentous occasion. A time that changed Irish Railway Modelling forever (in a positive way).
  18. Thanks Wrenneire, thought we'd never get to the bottom of this. THREAD CLOSED!
  19. So! What actually determines a re-run of a model?
  20. @hexagon789. Is the Cavalex version of the BR Class 91 not at an advanced stage now? Can't recall when they announced it but it I think it was at Warley last year. Regarding the IE "Mark IVs' - it'd be interesting to know if there's a market for a set of those coaches considering that they only operate on one route and that there are no updated versions of the current Class 201[new] available.
  21. I think the greys will sell very well. The good thing about them is that they can be operated nose leading which will add a whole new dimension to anyone's layout.
  22. There has been a lot of heavy rain in China over the last two months and it has caused lots of serious flooding so I'm not surprised that there's a delay with the delivery of the 121s. At the moment I'm thinking about those poor people who've lost everything so I'm more than happy to wait another few months for their [121s] arrival.
  23. I think that all model locomotives should come with a sound chip fitted, It'd save all the bother of trying to figure out which chip to buy.
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