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Everything posted by popeye

  1. This thread is waaaay of topic.
  2. You could say you've got your work cut out for you.
  3. Here are a few examples of the real thing and a couple of models. And the last one is my own design in laser cut wood.
  4. popeye

    Blue GMs

    Still, nice to see my favourite loco out and about. Someday these will be gone too, then it will be very dull.
  5. I drove all the way to Dublin because Marks Models had a sample on display, it was like going to see Oliver Plunket's head.
  6. Northern Ireland is in the UK. Heads will roll
  7. Sad news. He will be missed, RIP.
  8. The loco looks great too. Did they pull these small carriages?
  9. Nice pictures I see from your second picture the lower foot step is a little out of line. This happened to mine. It catches on the axle box and needs to be pulled out a little, as these are metal it is easily done.
  10. Looking good with the A46. The colours match well.
  11. HATTONS CIE 4 COACH PACK. As this is the last thing I will ever get from Hattons it's nice to end on a high. Lovely coaches with lots of detail and nice crisp lining and numbers. Thanks to Rails of Sheffield for taking this project on.
  12. My set of 4 coaches arrived today, they look great with lots of detail. I haven't had a good look yet.
  13. This loco is on the Silver fox models website in ready to run and kit form, with a choice of liveries.
  14. You can checkout Irish Retro Transport, Ed O'Neill on facebook, he does lots of posters and more. He sells these at some of the railway shows.
  15. There are a lot of little rivets/bolts on the side panels that are very distinctive on these wagons. But they seem to be omitted this model.
  16. Does that loco not have a number?
  17. The printing on the Dapol OOCL and APL looks poor. With twin packs you get one you want and one you don't, I like to buy mine individually. Perhaps Arran might do a rerun of the 40ft OOCL.
  18. Great work, I must get my own done.
  19. Thanks for the info.
  20. Beautiful work they look great. Looking forward to getting my Hattons 6 wheelers, they will go well with my 00 Works J15.
  21. Is the Studio Scale Models website still running? I have tried but just get error code.
  22. The M1 was built over this tunnel beside Blacks Road. I grew up in the street in the background and spent a lot of time around the pine trees area where we had a long rope swing tied to a tree and I have been in this tunnel sometimes.
  23. They would be 45 ft ?
  24. Well maybe not a truck load, but lots.
  25. They look good on the wagons.
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