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class22000 model

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  \ said:
Anyone doing resprays at a fair price? would Love to have my virgin voyager done in class 22000 Livery 3 -car set' date=' l have the transfers etc.:confused:[/quote']


Hi Craven1508,

Give Seamus Graham in Portlaoise a shout he has done some excellent work for me in the past-e.g Enterprise locos 209 and 233 and the CIE Supertrain Mk3 set.

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  craven1508 said:
Anyone doing resprays at a fair price? would Love to have my virgin voyager

done in class 22000 Livery 3 -car set, l have the transfers etc.:confused:


I wouldn't have thought that a voyager would be a close match for a 22000. Still, would look good on the site there.

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  \ said:
I wouldn't have thought that a voyager would be a close match for a 22000. Still' date=' would look good on the site there.[/quote']


Your right Fran-I bought a cheap 3 car class 170 and with some minor modification in particular to the relocation of the doors and a repaint I was happy with the result,

P,S-it only gets a run occasionally on my layout...!!!!

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  ttc0169 said:
Your right Fran-I bought a cheap 3 car class 170 and with some minor modification in particular to the relocation of the doors and a repaint I was happy with the result,

P,S-it only gets a run occasionally on my layout...!!!!


Yeah I saw a modified 170 on one of the Wexford clubs layouts at a few of the shows and it looks a lot closer to my eyes. The builder made a nice job of it!

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  \ said:
YA' date=' 22000 differant to the voyager but would look nice, seamas in GRAHAMS done a fine job on a Mark 3 Resturant, great detail.[/quote']


Interesting you knew about Graham's work but started the topic asking who undertook resprays...

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  craven1508 said:
The railcar is a 156 resrayed, l got on E-bay, oh and l have sense Warbonnet,

Kirley , thanks and l love that 22000 :-bd


I never said you didn't have sense, just that you may have more trains than it. You strike me as someone who is in the top brass of the model train collecting union. Pacific wouldn't be big enough to handle them all!

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  Kirley said:

The hardest bit is the roofs and nose.





That is a quality conversion, all those compound curves. You've really caught the essence of the front and the colour scheme looks very good as well. Well done sir.

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Posted (edited)
  BosKonay said:
Subtle no? ? :):):):)


I'd certainly buy a small fleet of them, and I know there would be a long queue behind me :)


Hmmmm. I'll consider adding it to the work stack, but I have several other pets projects to get out of the way first.

Great to see the upgraded drawings on the site. These will help significantly.

Edited by Weshty
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  Weshty said:
Hmmmm. I'll consider adding it to the work stack, but I have several other pets projects to get out of the way first.

Great to see the upgraded drawings on the site. These will help significantly.


You could always look at doing the body to run on a suitable chassis as Bachmann boast a considerable Railcar catalogue...

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  Warbonnet said:
You could always look at doing the body to run on a suitable chassis as Bachmann boast a considerable Railcar catalogue...


Oh, that would be the plan. It's getting the details right so that it all fits easily together that takes the time..

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  Weshty said:
Yup. Nothing that 30-40 hours of work won't sort out though ;)


CAD > 3D model > iMaterialise for master > mould casting > resin snout to plug into brass sides. 40 hours my eye!

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