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Found this impressive mk3 era layout on youtube

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Don't know if this layout is on this forum already. I've not come across it before, but stumbled upon it on youtube earlier. Impressive mk3 era layout.


There is enough train movement on this video to cause a 10yo boy to faint. :)


Posted (edited)
Was this Wiggy, late of this parish?


Thanks Dave. Found a wiggy1 over on rmweb who seems an Irish DCC Sound genius and his fabulous layout has come a long way. Looks he may be part of the wheeltappers group http://www.wheeltappersdccsounds.co.uk who makes the Irish diesel sound projects for DC kits. I had no idea! I have two of his baby GM sound projects (LokSound) who I had incorrectly thought were legomanbiffo projects. Assuming it's the same chap based in UK he has been really helpful to me on methods to improve speaker effectiveness in baby GMs. I love his sound projects. Wow you learn something new every day. Noel

Edited by Noel

Certainly an impressive setup. NOT the same trains each time, so there was some deft changing going on off-scene. It suggests a large fiddle yard - which is understandable when you see the SIZE of the layout.


Noel - it's busier than Clapham Junction!!!!

  Dave said:
No, he's very much alive and well. He posts on the Irish section on RM Web.


He's more than welcome to post here too, we'd all be happy to keep up to date on the layout and the sound projects!

Posted (edited)

Nice sound from a pair of baby GMs starting off with a heavy ore train. Consist demo of Wheeltappers sound project running on LokSound DCC chip using 'Power Drive' which is a variation on ESU's Full Throttle. This layout had progressed nicely too.


LokSound 'Power Drive' demo of double header baby GMs starting heavy haul

EDIT: found youtube clip that embeds here


EDIT: wiggy1 kindly just send me link to his youtube channel


Edited by Noel
  Flying Scotsman 4472 said:
He phoned me 5mins ago. He's not very happy that people have posted that he has passed. :dig:=))

He should read the obituaries in the morning. If he's not there, it's time to get out of bed and get modelling ;)


Reminds me of a phone call my late aunt got once. Let's call her Olive, and her equally elderly friend (the caller) was Marion. My aunt was at the time about 91, and her friend Marion was about 88 and in the early stages of Alzheimers. (Both have now gone to their reward!).


Ringgggg Ringgg


Aunt Olive "Hello?"


Marion "Ohhhhh I've got terrible news!"


Olive "What? What's happened? Is that Marion?"


Marion "Yes, yes, it's me.....Did you hear - did you hear - Olive's dead!"


Olive "What?"


Marion "Olive...you know Olive...she's dead!"


Olive, thinking quickly "Where'd you hear that?"


Marion "Dunno...dunno, but isn't that awful bad news!"


Olive, eyes raised to the ceiling "Yeah, I suppose so...."


Marion "Just thought I'd tell you, I'll have to run now. Robert* hasn't come back yet, I dunno where he's got to... He went out....anyway...Bye for now!"


Olive "Bye, Marion............................"


(* Robert, her hubby, had been dead 12 years...)


Ye couldn't make it up.


I'm going to bed now.

Posted (edited)
  jhb171achill said:
. . .


Ye couldn't make it up.


I'm going to bed now.


A funny story indeed JB, but sadly as you probably know too well from experiences with folks like your aunt's friend, when dementia strikes its heavy burden on a sufferer and their family, unfortunately, one could "make it up" all too often.


Anyway back to happier things like playing toy choo-choo's :) Seeing wiggy1's layout has given me some good ideas how to handle arched sections on our layout and transitions in and out of hidden areas. Have bad dose of flu but going to attempt some plaster cloth later this week.

Edited by Noel

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