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Everything posted by Georgeconna

  1. Shame Delighted to see it on the trip from Wexford the other month.
  2. Grey ones knocked down now along with some other bits n bobs
  3. Just Reading this , My father has the same thing so now what you went through. your on the road to recovery which is the main thing.
  4. Decided to treat myself to a few things this week after flogging off a good bit of stuff I will never use. 2 sound decoders for a 141 / 181 from roads and rails. Speaker fits in without any surgery. Also a dapol signal controller an SR Signal. The signals do add an extra dimension. I suspect the GWR ones with a replaced arm would do for irish. So easy to install although the Dynamis programming did not work so the Z21 came to the rescue here and so easy 20230522_224836.mp4 20230523_225747.mp4 20230523_213831.mp4
  5. Looks Great, Nice and tidy. HO seems to be a lovely scale TBH. Growing on me!
  6. Rails of Sheffield You would think they would know to put in the correct description on their products they are sending. This is 2 SR signals. with the Scam going about I nearly rejected this at 1st Glance.
  7. Probably this one: Aviation 72 AV7226017 1/72 DHC1 CHIPMUNK IRISH AIR CORPS 168 | eBay
  8. Unboxed and coupling missing, Hits the prices hard.
  9. TBH he is kinda right At the moment I am packed with Irish Stock which is a good problem to have compared to years ago and purchased a lot of stuff enthusiastically each time a new model popped out. I found out the fiddle yard I had designed for a UK based Layout for 3 coach trains is too small now for Irish Block Trains, IR/IE Era. Also flogging off surplus stuff I will never run or need as well. constructed in the constraints of a 15 x 10ft space I will be a lot more focused on what I will be buying in future and stick to an Era where as before I was picking with blind enthusiasm. Have loads of coaches too, Again too many for a medium layout, Gonna pass on any Mk.3 as they are just too long. Only the PP yokes. The pic is a Mk.3 8 set on a 12ft long scenic section so shows how long these trains are. (not mine BTW) Hope to get rid of the Portabcabin and go to a 30ft steeltech shed with insulation (10ftx10ft office / 20ftx10ft model room) so work really has halted on this as the exhibition layout is impracticable to move as a one man band. (Not sure why the text has turned red) the pi
  10. Had a look at it the last time I was down there, Too Small by far for Boats. These yokes are well small.
  11. Pity the pond is now big enough to hold a Proper RC Model Boat Gala. Small enough for the Pay boats too. Fella's nicking stuff of the track? Nuts.
  12. Bit suss on the Dapol stuff, My Western Packed up after not much use, I love a Class 73 but they don't have a good rep either. Not sure how these yokes fair out.
  13. Ruston? so not an O2....Sad....
  14. Get some Etched wipers from SSM, Look better too.
  15. One on one of the Irish trading / Selling Facebook sets a week or so ago for sale. Dont think it sold either.
  16. Balls will be at a Wedding in Rome , double Whammy. will miss Innishannon too.. Spose I have to make up for it with a visit to the Italian Air Force Museum, tough going...
  17. 220 is up on Ebay for €220 at the moment. Murphy Models MM0220 Irish Class 201 diesel "River Blackwater" original livery | eBay
  18. Possibly the best MR show in Ireland now, Quality stuff on show. Actually would of loved to of gone a 2nd day too.
  19. Dont think we are allowed to put those kinda of pictures up here.;)
  20. Great to meey your Noel, The Layout was superb, Testament to your Modelling skills. I would of thought had you have a run through layout it would of snatched best layout IMHO.
  21. Saw the version on the show and got to hold it, the underneath is very very impressive. Just hope the couplings will get some level of Continental Closeness with gangways as close as possible!! Must see which ones suit now!! Well done IRM.
  22. I certainly don't remember them but then again zero interest in buses no surprise to me on that one. Bus lads will love em.
  23. Another milestone for IRM! Just wondering I take it that the lighting issues seen on the Mk.5 stock be addressed in these new models, some folks were not too happy with the MK5 coach lighting looking at some reviews and also a bit of flickering due to pick ups? Reading the spec I see the Coaches have a single bogie pick up and Cap so this will sort the flickering out? Cant remember if there was Caps in the Mk.5 nicely enhanced in the Below Vid.
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