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Everything posted by Georgeconna

  1. Load of track in that layout!!. Keep the piccies coming.
  2. Quite the lovely little Model there.
  3. Very Education Eoin. Nice little kit too.
  4. Thanks for the Heads up on that one. Could clear these myself but they will probably charge a hand over fee. No win.
  5. Just wondering why can't the answer be on this thread in case someone else who has not ran these yet may have the same issue? I notice any issues like the stay alive that has popped up twice on the forum and one or two other re couplings come up here twice was not even commented on by any IRM Folks.
  6. Hi Lads Bought this kit ages ago and has been part of the stash for a long while , With the Demise of Humbrol availability in Ireland as Marks are no longer stocking it and I could not be arsed mixing Revell paints.Time was needed for a change and I found AK Provide complete paint sets but these were Acrylic, Something I stayed away from as mixing and matching enamels can lead to disaster. This one I plumed for was the Israeli paint set and I had This kit and a Italieri F-16B in waiting to be done. The Eduard kit was billed as a weekend edition but did not say how many weekends and it turn out to be a dog of a kit and is on the go now for a while the fit being pretty bad. The Final Gloss coat going on over the weekend and now being left to cook before the washed go one. The AK paints go on quite well, Take a bit of getting used to and I reckon as only good through a top feed airbrush as the paint separates from the thinner after a short while. one downside is that the paint are so thin they can easily rub off so a primer is recommended even though the 'Influencers' tell you otherwise. Happy with the Results so far. Marks stock the AK range now in their shops to so happy days.
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  7. Back Track April 23 3 photos.
  8. Wonderful Noel.
  9. 50-60 notes
  10. They look pretty good for sure but Seem to be slowly moving looking at the stock levels since they were announced. Would a 2 car 2600 unit been a better option price wise and operating Era to go with the Orange stuff already out there. Never been in a 2200 one either.
  11. Is it a IRM issue decoder for the A class or Generic 21 Pin?
  12. Hi Brendan, Happened to my one too, Changed the CV's on it, worked for a bit and it now has gone back to not working again. TBH given it is 6 Wheel pick ups the Stay alive is not really needed once your track is clean. This was the advise from a FB page: "The CV value for 113 was 0, Strange as I had not done any programming on this at all. Anyway set it to 127 and it works again" No one from IRM chanced to pop onto my initial query to comment either and yes these were IRM supplied Decoders so I wonder is this a fleet issue? Happened to my Deltic too. Hope the abocve helps
  13. Jeekers you lads have some bad luck for sure, I just got some stuff in from SCOGRAIL. Posted through RM , Came in via An Post, No hassle.
  14. Lovely Work, Pray tell where did you source teh Chimney pots?
  15. Claire, The box will have the product code on the end of the box, Google that code and you will see some price information on same as you can see 374-151 went for €19.00 which give a good idea. I you go through a dealer probably expect about 30% of the sell price. The Prodigy for example can be seen on hattons
  16. What part of the country are you in Claire?
  17. Jesus that some slap. good luck!!
  18. Seems to of been welcomed by the UK Modellers from what I am reading. I'd be a tad Miffed if I ponied up for Substandard Wobbly original Hatton's one though. A 2nd Stab to sort the problems out will be welcome for sure. Reminds me of a Bit like the GT3 where I took a Stab on the Crowd funding and got one from the first run with the few niggles with pony truck, Lights etc.. A 2nd run was made and for the Fella's that sat on the fence a model with no issues was obtained. My one with the niggles is now under valued and regulated to the box now mostly. took the gloss off it. I think I will be sitting on the fence in future!
  19. Very nice!! Pity the Panto heads don't sit flat when down but I think a lad on RMWEB had a fix for that if you are bovvered. Well wear.
  20. Dont Recall ever seeing one of these models built up in the flesh at anyshows I have visited. Would be nice though but expensive.
  21. nice does the Top Light work over the can too? Though tthat was not meant to be included or was not on the decoration samples.
  22. yep that possibly the one dissapointment on the A TBH but as I mention take out the provided one and stick on a baccy job. sorted.
  23. Possibly Needs to be re named to the Price Moan Thread as there are no bargins really thrown up and I would hazard a guess if there were they wont be here any how..
  24. That is a lovely kit to make as welll.
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