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Everything posted by Georgeconna

  1. Well enjoy that Phillip. Sound fab.
  2. All good, Running out of the Reliable Green Stuff so need to find something to replace it. MIlliput is find you can smooth it down with some water and wipe the excess away
  3. Good effort, Beauty of these Scalescenes is you can reprint and Refine each build. I know I did!
  4. Strange! it was sent to sales@irishrailwaymodels.com June 13th 4.50PM Would in be in Spam as I had an Attachment on it? OkI will follow the instructions above to as I have honestly made a pigs ear of this ordering lark!!
  5. Thats what he Said Through Fran. Same for me TBH, I was Sending in a few bob each month from Jan but nothing that I can see taken off the order price?. I have sent mail direct there 2 days back so I am sure it will be resolved. When you get back up from the Lie down and have those Deltics sorted someone might take a gander at the mail I sent. No panic.
  6. Good News , next week so. Looking forward to seeing these, I was down Ring Looking over at the Old Mine Site Last Weekl! Ah sure not much gets flown from UK to Ireland these days. Building stuff has been killed of a fair bit now TBH.
  7. For the Matchbox group build on Britmodeller the 1976 Lightning F.6 in 74 Sqn Scheme. Another Matchbox kit, Meteor NF.11 Matchbox Beaufighter in a Revell Box.
  8. What's the filler you are using there Demps? Looking forward to seeing this coming along.
  9. Rad the Post: " I recently received a demand of full payment for 13 Magnesite wagons when I had already paid £200 + towards the order" It seems the monies paid were not put against the order. I am sure the lads will sort that out promptly EDIT: And after an email or 2 sorted
  10. Thanks for the comment Phillip, Sure am delighted, Takes about 30 mins to get it sorted for sailing, Thats the down side. The Park is a small park next to the GAA Stadium, was before waste ground so badly needed green space in Cork TBH. Not enough of them. As you say no fear in Losing contact but the area is a tad small for Turning my one given one screw operation, Mind you the 2.4 stuff will be out of eye sight well after you loose contact. It is handy enough now for Launching and recovery and the lads a gonna (sushh) insert some rings into the 'Quay' wall to hold the model boats. Rumours are now the council what to run a road through it...
  11. Thanks Lads Some short vids of it in action today down the Marina Park in Cork.
  12. Ooops forgot all about it so thanks for the Shots. Was at the beach instead!
  13. Well nice TBH, Lights and massive detail for what close to 70 notes when compared to the previous Mk.2s.!!!
  14. Look Fab, Never on SR though so out of jail once again!!
  15. Guilty I did order the 2 together, Did not know about that but I do now! I drop ye a line a a day or two.
  16. Surprised alright when I seen the bill. Are the Mk.2's come then as well as I seem to have a demand for the both the coaches and Mags?
  17. Georgeconna


    Sorry to heat that Eddie. Few piccys would not go amiss to help with your request?
  18. Tempted now to go to Dortmund and then the Hartz if someone would take the Wife and kids for a week?
  19. Flipping jammed all the times I have used them!! Great idea though!
  20. Well the 1st Voyage happened today and it stayed topside! Result, Nice solid ship to handle too, Well Worth the Effort!
  21. will be thronged!!
  22. Thanks Noel, Seen that and have increased to a whole 6 locos . 6 is Extremely Low number. daft Stuff to have it set at 2, The Roster is 40 on the Dynamis. Have used it now for past to days, TBH I prefer the Dynamis, I hate the way you can't see what Functions you have set going on a loco above 6, IE Say Water Pump on an MN and if you cant remember what function it is its pot luck to go through them all. See the screen shot of the Dynamis and the Functions (f Numbers) pop up on the LCD screen when selected. Secondly I now have a Hornby 08 and Baccy Class 24 where the sound not working properly, I might have to drop down the CV63 to 120 from what I read. I like the Handhold of the unit and Wheel and other throttle options, I don't like that the Stop button does not stop the hole layout but the loco your are on at the time A Plus Also the Signal Does not drop as it is directly connected with a wire as opposed to the Wireless Dynamis which was driving me nuts. If Baccy revised a Dynamis with 30 Functions I would of bought that. Mmmmm wonder if I should of saved me cash and bought something much more capable like a Z21 I found out that can stick in 6 Locos on the unit to Recall database which is a fairly small field TBH , using those 6 the the selected functions wont drop.
  23. Tks Noel, I found out that the Recall button is to be used when you need to call up another loco without losing all the Functions you have set up on it like lights and sound so tis working grand now. Just a bit of Getting used to. need to read the book as they say and find out next how to get the big red stop button to work!
  24. Rarity really I imagine. Its this now a Double header then with 2 071's?
  25. Wow never seen that vid before, Love the Traverser
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