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Everything posted by Georgeconna

  1. Just ordered Hornbys S15 earlier today, To be honest it was a good price even without the discount. €100 in marks €180 in Seamus's Result!
  2. Love to be going there. Fingers crossed there's Tea n coffee there for you lads.
  3. Popped up yesterday, enjoyed the Show, Nice mix of Layouts and some real quality on show. Loved the Donegal one, Not to crowded with Items on it just right, had a nice chat with the operator and Belturbet which I had not seen before along with that O Gauge end to end....Wow! Spent from 11am till 150hrs there. Picked up some baseboard Alignment dowls, Catchs, Mekpak and a couple of packs of Coupling hooks( Bloody hell at E13 for 10!!) and a book on Brass Chassis contruction Sadly no Southern region bargains to been seen from my scout about. Called to Area 22 , sorry Stand 22. One man missed but hey next time!! Good luck with the venture lads.
  4. * The Garrison Model Show- Sunday 30th of August: With over 30 exhibitors from all over Ireland, this show is exclusive to Camden and has something for all model enthusiasts! Featuring model trains, planes, boats, military vehicle and demonstrations-one not to be missed for kids of all ages! Camden Fort Meagher, Crosshaven, Cork Harbour is internationally recognised as one of the finest remaining examples of a classical coastal artillery fort in the world.45 Acres,65% underground. See camdenfortmeagher.ie for more. The Fort alone is a Cracking day out add in a Model show and its a Massive day out and is looking to be even bigger and better this year from all accounts. I will have some RC Stuff on Display so do say Hi!
  5. You will love this one then Noel, Touch it up a bit is the instruction.......Eh.....The Brass grill is caked in superglue. 1st step oven Cleaner bath which unfortunately did not shift 1 iota of paint but a spot of Cellulose Thinners did
  6. Here you go, Some inspiration or perhaps madness. got one myself to RC. http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234929377-172-revell-corvette-snowberry/
  7. As Pops says less is more, Quite like the N in the sun.
  8. Yep, Got 2 201s myself, 230 and 209. There is still a fair bit left on the shelves in Cork, I did mention would it be extended to Wayne in the Shop but thats not going to happen as the prices were taken down Saturday PM. Heres hoping it will be back at some stage as I would still Fancy an enterprise with Full Yellow Faces but not a current prices there just too high for my pocket right now and really how many do I need.
  9. get an unweathered loco and work with that, GEt some White Spirits, A cotton bud and wipe the number away, Apply the new numbers, Seal with a non Oil based Varnish like Tamiya so such as SSM Decals don't like oil based stuff, I seal mine my Johnsons clear, Then paint over a Satin Varnish and if you have done it well it will be hard to tell the Difference.
  10. This will be long shot, A Friend wants me to finish off some 121s, they look like they did not come with Flush Glazing so If any one has some Squirreled away that's willing to part for a few bob drop me a line. I could Vac Form me own but time is not on my side these days:SORRY:
  11. tis the Dubs dont travel in all Fairness:
  12. You can pull them off Quite Easily with a Tweezers.
  13. That Rainbow shot is Lovely.
  14. Had a Nice chat with Leslie and saw the Wagons, They certainly looked fab but unfortunately or luckily l left my wallet locked in the Drawer at work!
  15. woah, Might get a blue 201 then even though I have too many of the bloody things. much better price now.
  16. Lovely model, The corrugations inside are sublime.
  17. Track is crazy price in the shops here, Stems from Getting charged for Delivery from the UK to Ireland whereas the UK shops get free delivery from Peco. I worked in marks and even it was cheaper ordering it from the UK instead of buying it with a few bob off as a staff discount. shame really but mind the pennies as they say. Model Basboards Dave stocks Peco track now and I believe is competitive with the price. Nice one on the Point Building never heard of that before.
  18. Brave Man!!
  19. Mad stuff, Just add a flux capacitor and your off!!
  20. Good Start there, Loads to do but the bones of it are showing!! !
  21. Well I got a couple of my own to do and got 4 more for a chap I know to do for him so they were sitting there calling to be started. Although GD ones was Superglued and an immaculate job too I decided to go down the soldering route for these. I wonder why but anyhow this is the 1st one with about 4 hours work in it, Try to figure out the couplings not for the ends and then the white metal bits n bobs, had to give it a break for a short while so I took a few snaps. I found I had to look a a good few shots of these wagons to get where things went, I think a few more diagrams for chaps that dont know the ins and out of these wagons would help immensely. I have a few Roxly coaches to make and the instructions are all hand written then I read about Queenposts!!, WTH are they I thought, I was not long finding out but certainly a few piccys would he of great assistance. .
  22. We should for a club.. Got some stuff that would take an hour to finish but it is always those unopened or carefully fingered kits that beckon them to be started..
  23. Nice one, I was wondering if the brass would eat through the axle after a while, the bearings would defo improve resistance though. Sure we trail a few without and test em. Cheers keep up the good work!!
  24. Just kicking into 4 of these and started my first one, Hope they come out a good as this, I was surprised that there is no bearings in the it and the wheels end just rest of the brass side frames, Have you run it as is Glenderg as I am wondering should i put some Top hat bearings in place? Cracking Model to put together, Soldering mine, Flipping no finger prints left from the burns!!
  25. good to see mick is still alive and kicking!!
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