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Everything posted by mphoey

  1. mphoey


    dont see major changes just the announcements look more prominent
  2. yes the horizontal ones definatly are and are very flexible the uprights appear more solid but the small front ones can be bent too easily and damaged
  3. theres a lovely 1/1250 scale irish ferries model available at the moment plus this guy does card kits of all the irish ferrie b&i stena boats http://modelferries.com/
  4. did you apply Welcome Paul to a great hardworking team . I would say your experience will be more to the UK side of the business but I am certain the lads will acclimatize you to both the Irish and northern Irish railway systems
  5. 121 has arrived very impressed with it here the cie chairman and his family are accepting it onto the layout
  6. plus with the way previous coaches have sold if they release the right ones they will sell but i still think the first one who does a van is a winner
  7. wouldnt fit on most layouts maybe as a back scene for a layout if the clue is big things maybe its the 3 irish queens the 800 class nothing bigger than them
  8. wonder john should we put 2s on the current craven livery except for the one first class one
  9. strange that they werent with the first lot as a few members will be looking to run with them soon cant remember did the 071 and 201 decoders come out at the same time or later
  10. brillant news looking forward to these
  11. hes on here as gsi345
  12. he has a back list i didnt even get my full order and mine are prepayed for what i managed to get
  13. yes unfortunately what was freely available up to a couple of years ago has started to disappear quickly. we are even getting to the stage of the last few 201 and 071 locos been available . market has increased dramatically and even with IRMs entry there is not enough stock out there . at least IRM has turned the tide and given us freight and permanent way stock but we all await their entry into the passenger market here
  14. only thing is the bachmann green coaches and any kit built ones
  15. ah brillant des you are too important to lose
  16. looking forward to them
  17. hopefully a temporary holiday
  18. beautifully done and doug has done a great job of bringing these to the market
  19. look great the flying snail on the box looks like an afterthought maybe?
  20. not that far away now but wont be much stock to give deals with in any case with current sales trends
  21. no problem but credit is more to john for keeping good records
  22. yes there is a great article here on all the liveries have a look
  23. all dereks personal collection
  24. some would have been green others in the early black tan as they were been repainted in this time period
  25. but will paddy murphy do them as he was offically supposed to retire after the 121s or will irm be able to use the moulds
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