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Gabhal Luimnigh

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Everything posted by Gabhal Luimnigh

  1. Brilliant, really nice, well done you.
  2. Bloody brilliant lad, I love the bridge.
  3. Interesting comments on here
  4. A censorship topic dealt with in private? I don't think so, I'm just putting it out there, you don't have to read it.
  5. Define 'ours' ? This is a Letting off Steam section
  6. How often are posts removed on the forum, I see @derek had one removed tonight even though it was ok, I had one removed last week and got a telling off about "bitching and moaning" and threatened with a temporary ban, I never had any interest in causing trouble but I still got a warning, is the forum no longer a place to ask pertinent questions? It's getting so that some members are afraid to comment on certain things which I think is a pity, I hope this post doesn't get deleted as it's in the 'anything goes' section.
  7. The Jedi master at work again, outstanding workmanship Alan, this is a huge learning reference for me, thanks for that and well done you
  8. At last, I have the wagons I always wanted since I saw them in the junction as a kid!
  9. It's Skynet, judgement day
  10. Very well done lad
  11. Great stuff
  12. Ah here, what am I allowed to say anymore? I already received a temporary ban warning from you if I did any moaning. I was not at home yesterday and checked with my neighbour about a parcel being delivered, she said nothing was there, my wife is at home and nothing is at the house, I replied to the IRM email as the tracking says a signature was got. I'm not looking for anything anymore, I don't even want a refund or replacement, I'm just fed up. Denis
  13. I did And don't worry I'm not going to moan
  14. Are they in the open corrugated or behind them on the next line? I might be wrong but just curious. Ah this is a wind up
  15. Stunning work as always, I love it.
  16. I'm not surprised you cancelled, it's a pity but inevitable, I don't think I will ever preorder again, I prefer to get something when I pay for it.
  17. Feck you, you got sorted, once they realised you were in Limerick they made you a priority Joking aside though it's very frustrating.
  18. And another week gone, it kinda takes the good out of it
  19. Lucky you Derek, I think they are waiting for me to shut up
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