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Everything posted by Strimmers

  1. 1983 view of mainline heading north for dublin and branch line heading east for waterford for current day if you go onto google maps and use satellite view you can see the track layout image is from roughly 2010 to 2016 based off the roundabout layout next to it. track layout is basically unchanged since then hope that helps
  2. it'll be them liveries just the tooling wont have changed hence identical being mentioned
  3. you'd be suprised but the red bull ones would be pretty similar in size to the likes of a ford mondeo
  4. bit of a different caliber of vehicle but 1:18 nonetheless
  5. just to add to this spent 3 years travelling mallow to cork every day for college which varied between mk4s, ICRs and 2600s where all my mates who were non enthusiasts all much preferred the ICRs something as simple as there being usb ports to charge from largely made a difference in their eyes as apparently bringing a wall block around in 2019 was outdated
  6. They use ebays global shipping program so i'd say you would still be double charged for vat
  7. Will the dcc chips be landing in time with the A classes?
  8. Strimmers


  9. funny you say that I've a brother that's 17 who is incapable of using facebook too old school for people younger than early 20s it seems
  10. I think an element of it aswell was that the new IE logo had a tri colour in it so to avoid any possible conflicts
  11. As another 20 year old think it's gonna be into the conformation money at this stage
  12. the potential of a rerun of cravens would definitely make a run of more rpsi cravens a lot more viable
  13. which listing are you accepting for it as from what I understand you are only selling one grey 071
  14. One on ebay at the moment https://www.ebay.ie/itm/Murphy-Models-201-Class-229-Inter-City-River-Maine-MM0229/143955901514?hash=item218470bc4a:g:860AAOSwSUBgMo9O
  15. would avoid that 100% reeks of a scam would avoid that 100% reeks of a scam and the ballasts are shipping from Dublin so customs duty wouldn't apply
  16. I believe he means a re released loco as you would struggle to sell as many so would have to do a smaller production run which inevitably would increase the price per unit. Small production runs are usually an inconvenience for the manufacturer and comes with a higher cost
  17. How did you make the extensions
  18. That is quite true like they were retired before I was born I'll still be purchasing A39r (as its preserved) and I would say in comparing A class to 071 someone say 20 years my senior they would've seen an A class on the network in the same manner that I currently see the 071s running so would sell well on nostalgic grounds which is rather prevelent amongst layouts I've seen on this forum
  19. The A class is a complete new tooling miles above the standard of anything else you could get your hands on so its able to sell more than 100 of each variant because there's demand where as with a 141/181 or 071 you won't sell as many even if there was a new tool like nobody is going to replace their entire fleet of mm 141/181 or 071s at quite a cost for marginal improvements on what are fantastic models. Like maybe some years down the line IRM will have grown the market to a point where there is enough demand But at the end of the day Mr Murphy and the folks at IRM are intelligent people and would already have these re runs/new tools in their plans if it were to be financially viable to do so and if that time comes can't imagine they'd be too reluctant to produce something that would easily sell 500+ of each variant
  20. https://www.ebay.ie/itm/Iarnrod-Eireann-Bachmann-MK2-auto-ballaster-set-Mint/193752142960?hash=item2d1c871470:g:wa8AAOSwSYVfsZv2 over a 100% return here a set with a €170 bid
  21. top class work what method of weathering was this achieved with?
  22. I only run basic dcc sound is out of budget for myself
  23. nope just seems to be front and rear lights from what the dcc chip instructions say
  24. have you any of the rpsi ones spare?
  25. I suppose what I more so meant is for more modern era as pretty much any video I've seen taken of them over the past few years has been 12 to a rake and as I'm probably amongst the youngest of this community modelling interest is from around 2005 onwards with an emphasis around the last 5 years where 12 seems to be the standard
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