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Everything posted by Dempsey

  1. Dos anyone know the story behind the black and silver 201? Is it a test livery?
  2. That'll put an end to the 150 euro mk2s on ebay
  3. I may get saving my bank account wont forgive me
  4. I ordered paints off hattons and had them quick enough with no problems. May just have been due to the relatively low value.
  5. I shall be patient. Hopefully when shows open back up I'll be able to snap up some bargain one then.
  6. I know, i didn't even pay that for mine.
  7. Grey class 071 up on ebay right now. Unfortunately the wrong colour for me.
  8. And done.
  9. Level of detail and the buildings on your layout are amazing.
  10. Back myself into a corner with that one
  11. If your paying for flights
  12. Resently completed order at home on the layout. Photos supplied and used with permission from owner.
  13. Having recently carried out weathering work for a follow forum member who I will leave to him to name himself, is there a want for such a service? I know there are listings in the services tab but since some are over 8 years old since their newest post is it a case that there is no one really doing it anymore? It is something I would like to do more often if the demand of course was there.
  14. Definitely agree about the 071s. I'd only happily give a few more a good home if I could.
  15. Maybe true to prototype?
  16. I imagined it was due to me running DC not DCC. Is this not the case?
  17. Unfortunately the camera wouldn't pick up the base layer work I had done on the wagons. I'm really happy with the end result.
  18. Latest project the is the IRM ballest plough and wagons. Thoughts and comments as always are appreciated. VID_20210122_161501.mp4
  19. More then helpful thank you. Much appreciated.
  20. That would be great information as i aim to be model early 90's along the Dublin Belfast route. My view would be to model around about when the 201s started to come online. My knowledge is limited i admit
  21. During the IE era of branding? Would it have been similar to the make up of a mk3 rake?
  22. What would have been a typical rake?
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