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Everything posted by Ironroad

  1. I find this to be a very disappointing comment, he stuck his neck out to cater to a niche market and now we are spoiled
  2. Ironroad


    I've also travelled on these trains and they blend into their environment. There's graffiti everywhere so I hardly noticed it on the trains Graffiti is the least of the problems in Naples where to seems to be very little civic pride, to put it mildly.
  3. I've been there
  4. This is the key point. Who commissioned the report and why? What was the remit? In my experience external consultants are often used to promote a particular view point regardless as to whether it is valid position.
  5. That is really strange. I'm in Atlanta and was notified by IRM that the shipment was on its way on Fri Nov 19, I also received a notice from DHL the same day advising expected delivery date was Weds Nov 24. DHL actually delivered on Mon Nov 22 two days earlier than originally advised. Three days from Dublin!!! I had the same experience with my two orders for the A class. I've never been a fan of DHL having had some horrendous experiences in the past but lately I'm inclined to give them some credit. It may be that they do not have the infrastructure to adequately service Houston. The opened a gateway at Atlanta Airport fairly recently so perhaps I'm benefiting from that. But who knows what sort of convoluted route (perhaps traditional) a parcel may take in their system to Houston where they don't appear to have facilities. Perhaps someone at IRM might have a chat with them and question this because as someone looking in from the outside it would seem more logical o route a parcel for Houston via Atlanta rather than the circuitous route your parcels are taking.
  6. Or the Enterprise
  7. The condition of the network isn't a reflection on the quality of the loco, for that's something management needs to held responsible for.
  8. Hi, I'm also in the US. Toys and models are not subject to duty on importation here and I have never had a problem (even a big box of multiple items from the UK). I ordered a total of eight A class loco's in two separate orders of 5 & 3. both of which I received about five days of being dispatched (in each case two days better than originally advised by DHL). All received in good order other than a very slight ding to the edge of one box, nothing to be bothered about.
  9. Did it clear customs? No evident bar codes , so should have been returned to sender!!!!!
  10. Mid '70s
  11. Is there a particular problem on the Westport route? https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-30934171.html https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/gardai-called-incident-board-irish-25217808
  12. There are images and sizes in this website of the basic component. This is a US site but they must also be available on your side of the pond. https://www.rockler.com/low-profile-lazy-susans?country=US&sid=V91040&promo=shopping&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&utm_content=&utm_campaign=PL&gclid=CjwKCAjwh5qLBhALEiwAioods4ySSYAlUZ0JXBwN80EstH6RypPFyK7_wqgWZh8YUcRBN65i0LNyZhoCPG4QAvD_BwE
  13. Ironroad

    Customs & VAT

    It's also worth noting that the US postal service is revising its' service standards. EG delivery standard for a first class letter will be 5 days. A coming trend everywhere?
  14. Ironroad

    Customs & VAT

    Olivia's always charged a fee for not charging VAT, which is why I as a US based customer have never and will not do business with them.
  15. That resembles the high sided horse drawn carts I remember (as a kid) carrying produce from Nth Co Dublin coming in along Dorset St. heading for the city markets in Mary's Lane, As I recall they were painted red (very faded)
  16. Cattle drives from the cattle market on the North Circular Road straight down Portland Row to North Wall occurred every Wednesday,. The pictures below were taken in Phibsborough (between Doyle's corner and St Peter's Church ) and west of Hanlon's Corners (the cattle market itself was to the left of this picture)
  17. Just announce the word "Piss" in the pause before he says Probably.
  18. More votes for this please
  19. You are onto something there, there is almost certainly a market for full width (5'3") 16.5mm replacement bogies that allow for conversion to 21mm of various types complete with lighting kits.
  20. Have you seen the graffiti? That building is in an awful condition
  21. Not a good idea to play poker with you either
  22. I don't think a game of poker with you guys would be a good idea.
  23. Depends on how that comment/question is interpreted, it can be read either way. If indeed he is saying demand has and IS NOT being underestimated, does this mean we can expect some offerings for that period. Is he teasing us? I seem to remember that Fran suggested late last year that we could expect some announcements in 2021. We are now two thirds of the way through 2021 and other than reruns ( granted in new variants) and buses, we are still waiting to hear what to expect. It's time to raise the curtain,
  24. That would indicate there is strong demand for the black n' tan era as suggested by DiveController and Leslie, which is why I'd like to understand Garfield's apparent questioning of this.
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