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Everything posted by PorkyP

  1. Well the Taig lathe bits arrived from the US in good time, both Nick Carter and Taig themselves were very helpful with a few small parts, and in future anything small and lightweight I'd order from either very happily..... I must say the odd times I've dealt with folk in the US to have stuff sent over the water it's always been fine and no probs. I got a nice 4 jaw chuck for the machine at a good price off evilbay too, something which I was wanting, a very useful extra..
  2. Great model...Such a pity these aren't available in 7mm...!
  3. That's a lovely wagon, top class work..!
  4. ....
  5. I'm sure you're right ...its all about the money, the BS agendas and the ticking of boxes, rather than just good old common sense solution to a problem..
  6. Regards bridge strikes again for a mo, you'd think that on bridges that are getting hit regularly, a solution might be to erect a very hefty steel framework, well sunk in and braced, independent of the bridge, sited a bit before it, so any vehicle would hit that, get stopped there, and not damage the bridge, saving on down time involved inspecting and repairing...
  7. Well I've got an old land rover, and over the years I've been interested in various electric conversions folk have done to them and similarly old vehicles. I might be tempted to try something along these DIY lines at some point....there's a firm in London that do a kit for land rovers and Morris minors, tho these are very expensive, and I certainly wouldn't be buying new cars, all way beyond my means !
  8. Who's wheels are those btw ? ....( and don't yer dare say "they're mine, I bought em" ! )
  9. Excellent..Looking forward to seeing it painted..!
  10. Nah..if he was a german...
  11. As recommended, I just got Whitehouse's Narrow Gauge Album '50 to '65 in Colour , (couldn't find a used bargain one unfortunately!)... but it's a fine book with amazing big size colour pics. Some good stuff on C&L which is my main interest ( having family connections there) plus some very nice Donegal shots, and a few from Clare. The book is a bit heavy on Welsh (not surprising really) and it's a pity there's not a bit more of the Irish in there, but it's a lovely book to have and will be very useful reference with some great loco and wagon detail, good recommendation!
  12. What you want is a nice watermill to generate the electrickery...
  13. I like the look of that press tool, tho I bet they're fairly expensive!.. As to rivets and bolts, it depends, if something was bolted up using 'coach' bolts, the heads are round and look just like rivets ( I've used loads of these in real life!) that's assuming fitted with the heads are on the outside. regular bolts of course are going to have square or hex heads !
  14. Interesting, I think on the 10mm & 7mm scale stuff I'm fooling with I'd stick to individual rivets, I'd maybe think the transfers would be better on 4mm scale models as individual bolts/rivets in that size would be a bit mad!
  15. I'd wondered about rivet decals, but are they kind of 3D enough? Just that decals makes me think 'flat'...
  16. Good thing about the bigger scales you can deal with individual bolts etc, I was thinking along similar lines with rivets, only using pin heads with a short length of cut down pin remaining, hole drilled, and stuck in, would make locating them a bit easier maybe..
  17. Now if it's a procession you want, how about, Father O'Flaherty in front on the rail inspection cycle, then a fine big statue of Our Lady fixed to one of those hand pump carts, then a couple of lads swinging the inscense on an engineer's trolley, and maybe a few members of the choir in a tub wagon.... (probably need a man with a red flag at the front of the whole shebang tho) Sure, sounds like the kind of thing Dave Allen might have done..!
  18. As long as it doesn't do a "Titanic" on me..
  19. I always thought that ''person in charge of possession" should be a priest really...
  20. ..ahh, go on then...
  21. Just had message back from him and says he will send the bits, ( he's obviously one of the good guys!).just sent him the dosh so hopefully should be in business without having to do any bodging to get the machine up and running..now just have a bit of a wait for the old paddle steamer to get across the Atlantic..!
  22. That's looking very good, love the Asbo roof, I've nearly put me foot thru that kind of thing a few times..!
  23. Thats interesting, I've not heard of that one, (is it a bit like ebay global shipping where the seller just sends to a centre in there own country and the system does the rest?.)..I'll still probably have to wait for some kind of response from him i guess, i messaged him to ask if he'd be kind enough to send some very small parts I'll check the postpal thing out anyway, good suggestion Eoin!
  24. That's a monster, look at the size of those coupling / con rods..!
  25. PorkyP

    Three stupid bandits

    If you're going to rob a train, get the WTT !
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