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Everything posted by PorkyP

  1. Aldi tool stuff can be pretty good!.. a mate has one of the little cheap inverter welding sets they sell and ( to my surprise) it's great, I've tried it out briefly and compares well to the posh one I use for jobs, albeit not as much power available, but v. good for the money.
  2. Brilliant! Can't wait to see it sitting on the platform, maybe a few chickens wandering about..!
  3. The streaky slates look good, I'll have to pay more attention next time I'm up a ladder fixing broken slates, (that i end up doing occasionally) I'll often use little strips of lead to hold up a replaced tile which leaves a small visible 'tab' in the middle of the bottom edge of a tile, probably a bit tiny to do in model form tho it's a common repair bodge on old slates!
  4. You probably need a special Hindu credit card for that...
  5. Brilliant stuff!..couldn't be anywhere else could it !..
  6. A nice bequest there, I particularly like the Donegal railcar..
  7. Proper sunlight really brings the grass to life....tho taking the board out in the rain for that authentic Irish effect may not be such a good plan !
  8. I bet a few commuters dropped their Costas coffee when that one "arrived" at London Charing Cross..
  9. Broithe's pic reminded me a bit of this one from BR ( sorry to "derail" ) ....
  10. Thanks for the heads up gents, the Mrs has been re arranging the rooms upstairs ( again!) ... so bearing the above in mind I went up and did a quick 'safety inspection' and moved a couple of glass items etc with a dire warning to be aware in future !
  11. Ahh now, his mistake there was he should've smeared a load of plaster all over his face...
  12. Ahh 50 shades of grey is also some fillum I believe ( you can tell I don't watch many.!) Maybe it's quiet as folk are off on their holidays, tho its maybe a bit late for that now..
  13. Brilliant! Some of the pics on there convey (to me) a feeling of bitter cold that's really tangible..
  14. I love the scene with the ship, where's it from / who did it ?
  15. Looks like Sister Angelica needs a pair of reading glasses, bless her..!
  16. Myself I quite like the idea of making no7, the big old one with the long snout..tho I've got a few projects to finish before thinking about yet another..! Hope the Donegal lads have some useful info anyway, I'd also be interested to see what they turn up if so...
  17. Yes I thought it would likely be the other one you wanted...that seems to be the one I can't find any pics of at all !
  18. If it is the ex CVR Donegal no10 you want I've got 7mm scale drawings btw..
  19. But at least you had a stout top hat to keep the rain off..!
  20. I think that's ex CVR articulated railcar that was re named no10 when moved to Donegal in the 40s, I've got a couple more pics of that in a book I can photograph if required, but I suspect you might mean an earlier railcar bearing same number?
  21. The old horse I had could get over a lot of places I wouldn't attempt with the land rover !
  22. 3 ¹/² some of the old donkeys I've known....
  23. I wonder if they do Father Brown on his bike...?
  24. ..'course if the barge were horse drawn it might be 1-0-0- stickety stick - stickety stick.. (that'd be an old horse..) Ok I'll get me coat..
  25. Or 0-0-1 as it's at one end...
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