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DJ Dangerous

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Everything posted by DJ Dangerous

  1. And maybe we'll one day have RTR GSV's for our Cravens, RPSI Cravens, Sperry trains, and yes, begrudgingly for our British stock to run with, too. Would certainly fit the multi-platform IRM / AS approach.
  2. I thought that this project would have been more challenging for you. I'm disappointed that a write-off was so easy to sort. I'll have to put more thought into your next challenge. Maybe some sort of global scavenger hunt to recover the shattered pieces, first.
  3. I wonder if we'll get an RTR model when (not "if") IRM release P47. Looks like they have three variants to choose from, going on the photos in this thread, but I guess a P47 "bonus ball" pack with a few more weedspray tanks would be a good idea.
  4. It's not just the sound. It's the smell, the vibration, the sound, the combination of them all swirling and rushing at your brain like an addictive cocktail, you just need more and more, one more wh-tssssss of the BOV or one more poke over 5500 to hit VTEC again.
  5. Spoke with @Weshty at the start of January regarding 071 wipers and he said: "I don't have any 071 wipers at the moment and it will be a while before I get a new order in. I'll let you know." I never asked about A Class wipers at the time as I didn't realise that 048 was missing one, but I assume it's the same scenario.
  6. The SOUTHSIDE??? Ugh, I think I'm allergic to crossing the Liffey.
  7. Does this mean no Raheny this year? I also now realise that I've been incorrectly writing "Raheney' for several decades. Jaysus.
  8. I'm not sure if "extensively" was the exact wording used. It was more like "do your worst" ... I guess I owe you an Abrakebabra if I ever get off the island and get my back side up to the Raheney show.
  9. Deadly seeing the whole thing condensed into one post. Carlsberg don't do timelapse, but if they did...
  10. That's exactly what IRM said! I find your lack of faith disturbing, and theirs. If anybody can work their magic on 048, it's @murphaph!
  11. Already checked with IRM and they have no spares available at all, for anything other than warranty repairs - which this very obviously isn't!
  12. Nice little (or not so little) CX! I'm of the opinion that EVE's are currently at a "gateway" stage to a cleaner and healthier future. It's a chicken and egg scenario. When enough people are driving EVE's, pressure can be put on the authorities for a cleaner source of the electricity used, but for now, they only really move the pollution... If the electricity is generated by burning coal, for example, then instead of having millions of little ICE's emitting fumes, we have millions of EVE's emitting no fumes, but consuming electricity from a source that emits a lot of fumes. Regarding the environmental impact of fabricating the batteries... Have you ever seen a clean and environmentally friendly oil well or processing plant or supertanker or mechanics workshop or breakers yard? Probably not. EVE's are definitely the future, and I say that through gritted teeth as I'm a petrolhead, we're just not there yet. P.S.: You liar, @Mayner! No way that multiple Honda's could stop running in just 15 years!
  13. I doubt that IRM, or any retailers, will have spares in stock for repair, or replacement 201's available. Have to second that! Fair play to IRM for selling them so cheap! Sounds like any issues with them were easy to resolve by the end-users, so it's a win-win all around.
  14. Do you do them in SuperTrain livery? If so I'll take three, please.
  15. Poor aul' Fran. Must be the cold weather. I know a place... Get well soon, Fran. Whatever we have bestowed upon us, it'll be worth waiting for, no doubt.
  16. Ten minutes before noon on the 28th day.....
  17. LOL, 1700h hometime ended thirty years ago. Nowadays we work 24/7, retire at 68, enjoy our trains for a year or two, then die from burnout after working too much for too long.
  18. Speaking of..... https://touch.adverts.ie/toy-cars-trains-boats-planes/model-railways/29478997
  19. Speaking of Mk2's to run behind the blue crew, any news there?
  20. Amazing news! Those original B&I Liners, CIE Liners, Spoils etc will be great for anybody who missed out first time around. And 036 and the 201's are a gift at those prices, for anybody who's been trying to break into the hobby but has been kept out by loco prices. No pun intended. Fair play for releasing them as you have!!!
  21. Thanks, @Mayner! Fabulous info, specially the graphics using the same space! Looking at the space in the garage, if I set the height at 1100mm off the floor, I can probably get a board 1800mm to 1900mm wide in, while still having space to slide the car bonnet underneath. So, two very gradual 16,5mm curves today may translate into two very tight 21mm curves in a few years time.
  22. Two distinct possibilities. The first and most obvious is: The second is that "IN" The next month meant inside the next typical calendar month of 30 / 31 days. Also possible that the lads can't focus on work because they're too distracted and laughing hysterically at this thread, like that Beecham's Hot Lemon cop.
  23. These were announced a few months back. Paddy had samples at the October show.
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