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DJ Dangerous

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Everything posted by DJ Dangerous

  1. Big congratulations to the IRM / Accurascale team for mopping up at the BRMA 2022 awards. Sad to see the Mags didn't win, they got my vote, but great to see 5 Golds, 2 Silvers and a Bronze for the lads. My Deltics are still in the post, and I'm even more excited about seeing them after their Gold in the diesel and electric 4mm category. The 92 got Silver in the same category, so hopefully the lads learn a hard lesson - three diesel locos per year from now on, not just two! I have a 92 that I grabbed from Hatton's, and it is something else, so the Deltics must be whoppers. On top of that, Accurascale took all three medals in the wagon category; Gold, Silver and Bronze for the Chaldrons, HYAs and HAAs respectively. Manufacturer of the year, of course they won Gold, in both OO Gauge and Overall categories, that went without saying, like the Romans and the roads. Plus a Gold in the Special Awards category for the motorised pantographs on the Class 92s. The only real competition for IRM / Accurascale at the BRMA came from... IRM / Accurascale! Next year we'll see their Mk2ABCs getting gold for sure. Got all of this info from RMWeb.
  2. A few dashcam videos from today, scouting locations for a new IRM / AS factory...
  3. It's unlikely that you'll get spares for them at this stage, but, Murphy Models have a new batch of Mk2D's due out over the next year or two. I'd assume that this will increase the likelihood of spares becoming available. The new batch are likely to have 21mm-friendly bogies. If these are also made available to buy, you can be sure that there'll be a few folk buying packs of new bogies, who will then have their old bogies to spare.
  4. You're one of the lucky ones... I'll be scraping the pennies together all year just for those two!
  5. No need to scratch the head much. You were blessed with two kidneys, two lungs, two testicles etc, so financing more models shouldn't be a problem.
  6. Wow, that Mk2D sold at £104 GBP!
  7. In fairness to @BosKonay, he's never actually trolled us. Forum members are the ones just itching for a hint of an announcement, and all he does is try calm us down with a "don't worry, we have new ranges due" type message every few months. I guarantee that whatever is announced, it'll be worth the wait, it'll be generally well-received, there'll be a small camp who might buy one coach or one wagon who then moan that they want something else announced straight away, and another small camp who'll moan because it's not something different. Plus, has anybody actually paid off their Mk2 coaches and ICRs yet? I know that I haven't!
  8. Outstanding! Is that the Corgi 1:43 Transit?
  9. Two of the three Cravens gone... I hope it was somebody on here!
  10. A few Murphy Models coaches at Hatton's right now: https://www.hattons.co.uk/stocklist/siteresults?searchfield=murphy Inconsistent pricing, though.
  11. A wise man once said:
  12. Looking for cryptic clues in that post... Chamber... You're not branching out into handguns, are you? Multiple... A 2600? Asking you to slow down... A 1995 TGV? Slowly buliding up... Has to be an old steam engine!
  13. Oh come on, everybody knows that you guys will make sure that you can cover warranty stuff by hook or by crook. An example of the lengths that you guys go to was in Fran's Manor update. He said something to the effect of a small delay being due to you guys wanting to make something better. Not because something was wrong, but because you guys felt that there was something that you could do better. Everybody here on the forum knows the lengths that you will go to, and I made it very clear in my posts on Phil's workbench thread that this was NOT a warranty issue. Anyway, I've digressed. The reason I mentioned it in the first place was to emphasise the improbability (not impossibility) of Paddy Murphy having spare 201 bodies lying around ten years later, and if your post is anything to go by, and if Paddy works in a similar manner, he, too, wouldn't have needed spare 201 bodies in the first place.
  14. Yup, that's pretty much exactly what I wrote, although I was a lot more concise.
  15. I think that those short Mk3's make excellent compromises for regular layout running.
  16. Yup, I'd never post without first speaking in private. But you definitely have no bodies, chassis nor bogies in stock, warranty or no, that much was very clear. Don't have the emails to hand as I'm out, but can quote exact wording later if you need.
  17. Boxed Lima 201? I'd pay €50 to €60. Nice enough looking, bit bland compared to the Murphy Models release, sounds like a bag of spanners going round.
  18. Nooope! Already been down that route to try buy a wiper and a horn for the 048 that @murphaph has restored.
  19. Are you joking or smoking? IRM have no bodies, nor chassis, nor bogies for the A's. They have limited other spares, so limited that they have to be held back for warranty work only. Murphy Models had no 121 spares within a few months of the locos selling out. They had no spare Mk2D buffers while the coaches themselves were still on sale. Doesn't matter how good IRM are, and let's be honest, they ARE bloody good, but they can't magic parts out of thin air, at least, not down here on Earth.
  20. Probably a lot more to a decoder than meets the eye. Also have to factor in hidden costs like recording the sounds, having tech support, issuing replacements, discounts for retailers or whatever. I'm sure that if there were a high quality alternative available for a quarter of the price with no sacrifices, IRM, Murphy Models et al would be offering them instead of ESU decoders.
  21. I guess it would have been hard to make the bars look as crappy as the fuzzy print...
  22. I like the remaining blue sides on the tables!
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