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Everything posted by WRENNEIRE

  1. There's a hint in the title DJ Read it slowly next time........
  2. Good to see these listed Seller started at €1 The buyer will now show what they are worth or what they are willing to pay The Enterprise is doing a lot better than I would have expected https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/mlee28082/m.html?item=265527750062&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.m3561.l2562
  3. I was wondering why Pat wanted there pics, probably why I never made detective!
  4. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BACHMANN-32-154-BR-BLACK-2-6-0-N-CLASS-LOCOMOTIVE-31843-MINT-BOXED-nz-/363353768830?var=0&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=710-53481-19255-0&campid=5338268676&toolid=10044&customid=Cj0KCQiA0eOPBhCGARIsAFIwTs5JkUYAeMjvYJVVRxxzeH8ct3h_HhraZf_ibE9yOXhD1Ws4KFIwZxAaAssgEALw_wcB
  5. Picked up this wagon plate over the weekend Any idea what it may have been on?
  6. Gaugemaster do some G scale figures https://www.gaugemasterretail.com/magento/scales/122pt5-scale.html
  7. Anyone at the Mullens auction yesterday? I would love to know who priced the railway stuff for them, bleedin joke No bids accepted for less than estimate https://www.mullenslaurelpark.com/
  8. Recognise the initials on these Warb?
  9. You've met Granny Bracken so ...........
  10. Drag it to Hogans Halt on Sunday JB We can have a look at it
  11. Power shortages in China Chinese New Year coming up soon Lack of workers Price of raw material & shipping going up by the day No trains or flights allowed over Ukraine atm The list goes on And you wonder why things are delayed!
  12. Limerick Oct 96 26595 20 Ton, 12' wheelbase 25855 12/2004 Demountable Beet Any ideas?
  13. Jasus, €260 before being Brexited!
  14. Could this be Irishified? London & North Western Railway 'Improved Precedent' Class 2-4-0 locomotive.
  15. Next Bray show is Feb 27th Bring it along and see what happens
  16. Finish the building before you start on these Sean, need it for Bangor in April!!!
  17. Located in Japan, enough said!
  18. Going ahead on Sunday, masks to be worn and hand sanitizer used
  19. Some books here may be of interest to some: https://www.purcellauctioneers.ie/catalogue/0c8ddeafde58b911a9ae32ad7ee7f0fd/81b29ab6fa187a02a829c1899b734425/auction-of-a-collection-of-irish-world-interest-books-r/?view=grid&searchTerm=railway&searchOption=1
  20. Paddy Pic of a kit built 071, Model Irish Railways body on an Athern chassis Modern numbering and no front handrail as per the original Not mine but I can put you in touch with the seller Lovely paint job also
  21. Hi Paddy Welcome to the forum I reckon you will need to sell your firstborn to get any of the 071's on your list Haven't seen one for sale anywhere for less than €350 and some are making a lot more than that Long sold out from the major retailers and this has made them very expensive when available I would recommend either a few Hail Marys or a Credit Union loan!
  22. O Gauge by Bren Kelly, the blessings of God on his curly hair !
  23. A small detail overlooked by our rivet counting friends Every detail that is added or subtracted from the original signed off mould incurs a cost and in order to keep the great unwashed happy these costs would make the alterations uneconomical, and like it or not the aim of splashing out €100k+ is to see some sort of return So maybe ring Paddy, tell him you will pony up for your alterations and sit back and wait, maybe get an extra €50k on the mortgage while you are waiting And then wait for the criticism, see how you like it Think before you type!
  24. Bachmann did not produce the 071's Produced by Murphy Models who used a different manufacturer
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