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Sean Hogan

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Everything posted by Sean Hogan

  1. Wheeltappers
  2. Did he have any model trains or was it football all the time may he RIP
  3. Yes the ran on enterprise service my dad drove them
  4. What's the position on spare parts if required for 121 models
  5. It's for rubbish bag collection from trains and platforms
  6. Thanks for that noel Thanks noel great video
  7. Brilliant job well done Brilliant job well done
  8. Put one away for me dave
  9. Well done eoin will be in touch about collection.
  10. Thanks for your help
  11. Leslie my dad Patrick joe Hogan passed away in 1968 after enterprise duty.
  12. Leslie is there any records about my father Patrick hogan he was a driver in amiens street on steam and then to diesel he passed away while in service
  13. Arrange where did you get spider containers.
  14. Thanks looks wonderful
  15. Looks brilliant thanks
  16. A modern image layout,11' 0" x 5' 0" based on a terminus upper level descending to a continuous loop lower level. Fully signalled, electric points, and landscaped!! Dave Linfield built the baseboards, track and wiring. Ritchie Matthews and myself completed all the landscaping over a 2 year period! Still working on it!!!Hope you enjoy it! Sean Hogan 20200719_162501.mp4
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