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Everything posted by murphaph

  1. Great to see the A being so well received by all these reviewers.
  2. Yeah exactly. I think it's somehow more wrong than a 16 cylinder one though, for some reason I can't explain.
  3. I was thinking the same that it's the MM 071 file with different engine sound, but I'm not sure it's not an 8 cylinder engine.
  4. I'd need to build an extension to house the plane first!
  5. Would be nice to see MM re-release the 201 in the delivery livery. Was 220 the only one MM did? I'd like no. 201 in her 1994 outfit anyway.
  6. Hmmmm, I was also curious what sound this is. It sounds very much like an EMD sound from the ESU library to be honest! I asked in a comment what the prototype sound is from and found my comment deleted this morning. I doubted my sanity for a minute and just to be sure I restated the question (in a polite way, giving them credit for a nice sound first) and again, comment deleted! They obviously don't like people asking too many questions!
  7. Inflation is always going to be there, but that means your wages should be going up too. Anyway, I have given up trying to predict what IRM will do next after the mk2b/c announcement! I certainly wouldn't rule anything out anymore Irish stuff is interesting. It's quirky. It's a strange mix of largely American motive power and British coaching stock plus unique homegrown stuff of course, especially in earlier days. IRM can clearly leverage Accurascale distribution channels to sell more IRM branded stock than would otherwise have been the case. That is an option no previous (serious) manufacturer of Irish models has ever really had. A lot of UK buyers seem to have bought their first Irish loco in the form of the A Class. I'm not sure so many would have if they hadn't come to IRM through Accurascale. Maybe I'm talking through my hat but it seems to me that the Irish market is full of potential to grow and that means lower prices per unit in the future.
  8. IRM managed to drive the price down by a tenner on the ballasts because the run was larger second time round. I don't see the next run of locos from IRM being smaller than the A's which have almost sold out less than a month after delivery.
  9. Is there any chance the new and improved bogies will be offered for sale separately to upgrade the older stock?
  10. Mine arrived this afternoon and brightened up a miserable, grey rainy day. I've only opened one example (048) so far but really, the sheer weight of this thing blows you away. It oozes quality like a Crossley engine oozes oil. It just looks "right". Well done to all involved. It's much too early to change the subject from this excellent loco but I am already looking forward to the C Class
  11. Speaking of weathering....has anyone mustered up the courage to "do one" yet??
  12. murphaph

    Customs & VAT

    That's the theory but as many have found out it hasn't worked like that in practice on numerous occasions. I've had the same hit and miss results in Germany where they are also registered for VAT.
  13. I've got a cheap Bahnhofsfahrrad as they say here. A railway station bike that is so crap it's unlikely to be nicked! I deliberately don't fix the squeaking bottom bracket as no thief would stay on it for more than 10 seconds if he did bother stealing it. I see too many reports on the town's Facebook page of expensive bikes being nicked to risk parking one at the station. Unfortunately it is the classic case of Berlin based thieves simply taking the train out to suburban stations and taking their pick. Most locks are completely useless. If they want your expensive bike, they will have it.
  14. Got my tracking number this morning chaps. Cheers! Looks like it's GLS road rather than DHL Express as expected. I guess DHL Express is reserved for those living on other continents. That's ok by me as it has been taking about a week since Brexit and GLS are very reliable here.
  15. Lol my first bike was a GSX250 with "intermittently working electrics". I pushed that thing home several times
  16. We've an 08 and the missus can't wait to get rid of it and get a new EV. It drives her bananas when I fix the latest problem for peanuts. Latest thing was passenger side drive shaft. She was sure that was the end of it with the noise the CV joint was making. Not at all...€40 and an hour later and it was replaced haha. I'm actually in favour of an electric car as our next vehicle but I'm dead against scrapping a perfectly serviceable car before its time. Cars are genuinely much better made than 40 years ago. A 13 year old car when I was young was going to be in bits and likely battling corrosion. The bodies last much better nowadays. It's different for people that have to pay a garage to do everything. There an older car can be uneconomical to keep roadworthy.
  17. A great loco on a great layout!
  18. I'm sure everything will be fine, but you can understand a few of us who haven't yet heard anything might be getting a little jittery. Fran did say if we hadn't heard anything and might have expected to have heard something by (I believe) the end of last week, it would be ok to reach out and ask for a status update Kevin got his answer above (7xxx series orders are likely shipping today) but my order is in the 4xxx range, hence my concern.
  19. I am patient Stevie, that's not the issue. I don't mind when they get here
  20. Are there still many to go guys? I ask because I ordered 4 locos under a single order number in the 4xxx series. I requested this order to be held back until the 25th (Monday gone) as I was away last week. If it's just sitting in a corner of the warehouse with my name on it then all's well. I appreciate it being held back and I'm not impatient to receive it or anything. Just a bit concerned as orders in the 7xxx are shipping at the moment and my 4 locos are all sold out. I'd hate to be left empty handed is all.
  21. Welcome R&L. It's great so many of us have rediscovered the hobby. Every cloud and all that. I'm a recent returnee after decades away too! The "old hands" here have been great.
  22. I'm just going to wait it out until LP5s return to regular prices. Probably 2024 but I'm not in a mad rush as all my locos are display pieces for the next few years anyway. I do like having a single type of decoder in the whole fleet.
  23. Good post. I'll be in the same boat. I think I have about 40 Irish diesels now and I can't really justify spending at a bare minimum upwards of 4k on sound for all of them, even though I think sound is just the business. I am thinking I will ultimately fit sound to at least one of each Class/Engine example and maybe leave it at that, but I am also interested in fitting sound to the odd EGV (using only marginally cheaper sound fx chips). I'd rather spend the money on models themselves when they are available so a price conscious DCC alternative is always welcome. Having said that, if you have LPv5's available, then I guess they would be better employed in the A's with its more comprehensive lighting functions than in the baby GM's or 121's which have no cab lighting from the factory.
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