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Everything posted by murphaph

  1. Is that book only going to be available from Key Publishing? I don't find an ISBN to search on Amazon.
  2. Surely a bogie cement would be more appropriate Hint hint IRM. We need somewhere to spend the afterlife!!
  3. The 80 class is actually perhaps the most "useful" of all the multiple units for Irish layouts in general, north or south, post 1974. They got about as you well know @jhb171achill. Even in NIR guise they were seen across much of the CIE/IE network as scheduled and special trains regularly enough I would say. Definitely no need to stretch Rule 1 to run an 80 Class in either NIR or patched IR liveries on most of our layouts I would imagine.
  4. Maybe if folks want a particular wagon or coach from a multipack, they could start a classified thread to find a swap partner in advance of purchase.
  5. It'd be interesting to know how much extra you'd be paying per wagon if they were sold individually packaged. With the cost of shipping at an all time high right now, I'm guessing that would feed in significantly. You would be shipping a lot fewer wagons per container if they all had their own box. For the moment I prefer the multipacks as I suspect the cost per wagon is a good bit less and the boxes take up less space in storage.
  6. Are these not really Bombardier units anyway? Hennigsdorf is a Bombardier site (well, Alstom now) I thought they might be these ones: https://rail.nridigital.com/future_rail_sep21/industry_news
  7. With the price of these things exploding, folks should ensure their house insurance policies are going to cover the true cost of the replacement should the worst happen.
  8. Thanks chaps. Much appreciated.
  9. I think I got the second last one of those in Mark's last summer. Blessed!
  10. Looking through Rails Through Tipperary it strikes me that bagged cement, fertiliser etc. seems to have been offloaded at some fairly small stations like Roscrea. Would any freight have been offloaded at any of the above 3 mentioned stations as late as the 90's? I'm guessing proximity to Dublin maybe meant no, that this type of freight would have just gone by road instead but happy to be proved wrong. There was a pic of ferts parked in Portarlington on Facebook recently and the train wasn't just in the passing loop but reversed back into the yard it seemed.
  11. I thought PM released his own 201 precisely because he wasn't entirely happy with the Lima one and set out to improve on the details. I like my ones very much and would buy more of they were released in the original livery, which is the only one I ever intend modelling. I'm not really sure how much they could be improved upon. The mechanism is good. Cab interior detailing can be done by the modeller. The lighting could be better with the ability to independently control the tail lights and so on but again, with a bit of know how this can be tackled by the modeller. I'm not rivet counter though, so perhaps there are some glaring anomalies with the model that I have never noticed.
  12. Is there a reason for the code 100 track or do you just have some spare? I'm no expert but I would have thought on a small branch terminus you'd be looking at code 75 max. Maybe one of our experts can chime in.
  13. I'd say you'd already be paying more than the new price for some of the sold out ones if someone was prepared to let theirs go. In a year they will all cost more than new.
  14. €400 for a tippex 071 anyone? http://www.adverts.ie/25559350
  15. A very impressive start. The concrete does indeed look very realistic. Looking forward to more updates.
  16. Amazon claimed to have delivered my copy but it wasn't in our letterbox as stated. Asked around the neighbours etc. but nobody had it. Driver seems to have dumped it or dropped it off somewhere completely wrong. Anyway, Amazon returned my money and I have reordered this morning, having given it a week to see if someone would come by with it. Edit: The initial order was with Amazon UK. The new order is with Amazon Germany it seems. Price has dropped by a fiver too.
  17. I'm definitely not a professional but I would go straight to DCC but a half decent DC controller should still be in your arsenal to test locos and perhaps run them in.
  18. Welcome Geeb. Great to see more people getting into the hobby! If you say where you are I'm sure someone could loan you a trafo to test.
  19. Chris Dyer does repaints which should pass muster.
  20. There has been acres of words in studies on various rail projects printed since the 70's. We've built what, 0 new miles of heavy rail? And reopened what, a dozen miles or something? (and closed more than that of course). We talk a good talk but we are still talking about stuff that was "about to start" when I left Ireland almost 15 years ago. Berlin, a broke ass city, has managed to build more new heavy (and indeed light) rail than us since I came to this part of the world, and we are supposedly a wealthy country.
  21. They could stick the €500 in prize bonds I suppose.
  22. Wait till B. Ogle hears about all this...
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