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Railer last won the day on October 12 2018

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  • Birthday 05/10/1985

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  1. Just spotted 8101/8301 outside the south end of Fairvew depot this afternoon with all of its doors removed. Looked like it was going for a repaint like some of the other sets have recently got.
  2. I would have liken one of the 8100s repainted in the 1984 livery complete with CIE roundel last year but that wasn't to be. There was one set running around in the 90s with the Dublin Bus livery I think it was. I really liked that one with the richer shade of green.
  3. Cawods Pack C sold. Cawoods Packs A and D remain along with DRS packs N,O and P.
  4. Cawoods Pack B is now sold.
  5. Pics added and asking price now 100 per pack.
  6. That could have been the remainder of what was in Connolly at the time when there was a FO Sligo 11 coach formation (9+2 GSV) that was split. Not ideal but at the time they pressed with what was on hand.
  7. I think you misread my post regarding in active as apposed to inactive. To me all or most of the 071s are very active considering the limited duties available. 071s assigned to the liners appear to be swapped out very regularly in my observations as of late.
  8. Is this project still going ahead are still blue sky kite flying at this stage. I did read an article late last year stating that Irish Rail are basically donating an 071 to this project but they still all appear to be in active use lately despite no more tara trains operating.
  9. Railer

    Blue GMs

    Just noting the interesting external handbrake cover on the wheel. I take it these now have a different system than the new electronic one fitted to the 071s. Is there any truth the the NIR 111s can no longer be used to haul or move the RPSI Mk2s are strictly restricted to wagon moves only now?
  10. Railer

    Blue GMs

    Was it out for driver training/ route refresher or post overhaul test? The 111s don't get out much nor is there much use for them anymore.
  11. This is set now listed as sold pending collection.
  12. Packs B, C and D are still in the vacumm sealed bags around the boxes so they were never opened. I only opened pack A for visual inspection. I also have DRS packs N, O and P. Pack N is the Low Level Nuclear Containers. Only opened for inspection. Pack O is with Low Level Nuclear Containers. Pack is factory vaccum sealed. Pack P are DRS empty barrier wagons. Pack is factory vaccum sealed.
  13. I'm selling my Accurascale Cawoods PFA wagon packs. I have Cawoods Packs A,B,C and D from the very first run. Selling for €120 each. Pictures upon request, I may have one or two more pack to post up here once I locate them.
  14. It was 2 liners, 1 was loaded LX which would be the empties to be unloaded coupled to 088 while nex to it was the CPW rake also loaded. Beside that were the empty CPW spares and stored CPWs.
  15. I'm sell the IRM triple wagon pack consisting of wagons 30190, 30186 and 30187 along with a Silver Fox Weedspray Mk1 GSV. These are boxed and never ran and I'd rather sell as one complete bundle at €400. Postage at buyers expense.
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