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Everything posted by Railer

  1. Were any Mk2D standards ever released before? I can see EGVs and Restaurants in all online retailers and on ebay but I have never spotted a standard anywhere.
  2. Railer

    071 photo

    It may have been 077 that you saw and not 071. In the photos of 071 from a few weeks ago it's being shunted around by 085 with no covers on it's buffers and was more or less finished apart from the window masking.
  3. Railer

    071 photo

    It's worse than that. All of the withdrawn 201s have been stripped of parts, some more so than others. Put it this way, if a major defect was found in the 071s next week and they all had to be withdrawn for mods, the stored 201s would not be able to re enter service. They would all need many months of prep work each with some needing alot of major parts ordered as IE stopped storing spare parts some years ago.
  4. Railer

    071 photo

    No way.
  5. Railer

    071 photo

    From Wiki First and second position: Interoperability code (on multiple units Type code) Third and fourth position: Owner's code (since 2006: UIC country code) Fifth to eight position: Type number Ninth to eleventh position: Serial number Twelfth position: Self-check digit Ireland's UIC country code is 60 so 60 will be part of every rolling stock UIC number here. The 92 part ID's it as a Diesel loco so the 201s UIC number will start with 92 60 like the 071s
  6. Railer

    071 photo

    Who wants to sign the "Keep 084 out of Inchicore" petition? You can almost chant that as an angry mob.
  7. Railer

    071 photo

    The yellow panel, I like because it's in the style of 112 and not like the big type on 113. I prefare the yellow strip than the yellow face on the 071s. I can't see the side UICs lasting with weathering, look how they have to keep the side numbers clear now and they are much larger font. I think they will still get their old style numbers added to the sides at least.
  8. Railer

    071 photo

    Oh no:puke: the Irish Rail logo and the UIC numbers. Good god, it's going to be a challenge to ID an 071 at a distance now. When is an Irish loco ever going to be in main land Europe?
  9. It's €150, it's in the link.
  10. 078 is done too. There are still some snagging to do on both locos before they return to service. Work has begun on 087 but it will be a while before it's back. The question will be what livery 071 comes back out in, it went in for an overhaul just before christmas. 084 still keeps managing to duck and dive, doing it's best to stay out of Inchicore despite the state it's in.
  11. 077 got out last Saturday for a quick run to Connolly and back. Left Inchicore about 07:30 and was back around 09:00.
  12. Only found out recently myself. I found a load of photos online from the 70s and 80s and the SA thing kept bugging me. The fact that they were only in the 80s photos and not earlier made it more of a mystery to me.
  13. The SA was to do with locos that could work air braked trains. For when the Mk3s just entered service. The S was to indicate what locos had the CAWS fitted and the A was for what locos had their air brakes commissioned. The SA started to appear in the early to mid '80s and ended with the IR livery in '87.
  14. It's hard to keep 209 away from the Mk4s even with the EGVs now doing the job of it's damaged HEP on the Enterprise.
  15. I got 073 yesterday and the factory weathering is very nice indeed. Well pleased with it. If I ever get 088 I will re number it to 071. I like to have my class leaders in the livery they first entered service with. It's an OCD thing.
  16. Railer

    New IÉ logo...

    A member on boards.ie reported that on Saturday morning 077 ran light from Inchicore to Connolly and back again. Just taking her for a quick spin around the block.
  17. Nice work. Just one thing about your number decals. The tara wagons are numbered 31001 - 31024, 3 were added to the fleet, converted from ex shale wagons, they look a little different with an extra cross bar across the wagon length. They are numbered 31025-027. Other than that they look good, just a little too tall, maybe fit them with slightly smaller wheel sets.
  18. Good stuff lads, thanks. Think I have a standard BR1 bogie on one end and a B4 on the other.
  19. Got a second hand Mk1 GSV here. Just took it out of the box and noticed that the bogies are different. Can anyone tell me what bogies are used on the silverfox model so that I can replace the odd one? And possibly where to pick one up, thanks. I can get some Bachmann B4 type bogies but I don't know if IE fitted B4s to the Mk1s or only the Cravens.
  20. None of those links are working for me. Says notify administrator, invalid attachment How can you guys see them.? Upload them up to photobucket or the likes maybe.
  21. Wow, I got a new, never opened set for €85 last year.
  22. Get a tube of silver paste and put it into the gaps, let it set and sand it in with fine sand paper. The second problem sounds like a short circuit protection issue. Get a multimeter and check for good continuity around your track circuits along the individual rails.
  23. Railer

    New IÉ logo...

    Along with 078 and poor 087. 085 has been burdened with the ol Inchicore ball and chain for over a year now.
  24. Railer

    New IÉ logo...

    Harder. You need the CIA and their waterboarding to find out anything. It's like the Stonecutters society. A guy called to tell you about a meeting for a wink wink at the you know what.
  25. Railer

    New IÉ logo...

    I hear 077 got out of the paint shop yesterday. No word if she has done any test runs yet.
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